Sunday, July 29, 2018


'Shantiniketan amaake jaa diyechilo, taa ami firiye ditey cheyechilaam.' 'Ekaashi minute e, ekti santaan er biological parents howa jaaye, kintu ekaashi minute e, aar jaai hok, sei santaan ke maanush koraa jaayena.' 'Maal payeda korechi, baro korechi, lekhapora shikiyechi, sampatti likhe diyechi, baaire paachaar kore diyechi, maal khallash.' 'Taar maane, etodin kaar shilpo baad, ekhan khaowa daowa, Start-up !' 'Ke abhibhabak ? Devaki na Yashoda !' 'Dharmavataar, ami mandir e jaai, kintu ami devataa r bhakta noyi.' 'Apaar sthabdotaa daao, nischinno karo !'  'E gaari raasta e chalte o paare, abaar ulte o porte paare.' 'Eeesh ! Chele ke mithyachaar sekhaalen !' 'Kaaron ! Era progressive !' 'Protyek taa baccha r dekha uchit, taar baba maa r struggle, sacrifice.' 'Siuri r Rafiul Islam 43 bachor boyesh, morey gache; Golam Mohammad Hossain, Dubrajpur er, ek din er jwar e sesh.' 'And we made profit man, we made profit.' 'Tumi half clutch e gaari chalao naaki ! Indicator daao !' 'Yug paalte gache, baba !' 'Paarbe ditey !' 'Paarben na.' 'Be a man !'

Dinen Lahiri's elder son is no more in this world. But, Arnab's son, Arko, a sweet boy, lives with his grandfather and grandmother in Shantiniketan. Sushmita, being a recovery agent in a private financial institution has a very busy schedule. Meeting the child in weekends, but on weekdays, it is just Whatsapp touch. An artist is an artist. No compromise, Sir ! 'Artist is in distress; so squeeze him !' Oho ! Another artist was ready with his resignation letter. 'God bless you !' Arnab wanted to take Arko back to Kolkata. Dinen became furious as neither Arnab has a job, nor he is a good caring father. Spray, spray and spray the mosquito repellant, as Dinen's youngest son is an alcoholic person. There existed a sweet bondage between grandfather and grandson in a beautiful environment of Shantiniketan. Somehow, Sushmita felt as if she is losing out the opportunity to become a caring mother for Arko. But, it is not always so easy for a working woman to balance both personal and professional life. She has to come back to Kolkata every Monday.

Arko was happy in Shantiniketan. Aaha ! There is a cricket match between kids and old people. 'Dadu Vs Naati' Cricket match. 'Ha ha, ekta baatsyaler paribesh tairi hoyeche !' Dinen is angry on Arnab as Arnab is spineless, drunkard and having no fixed income. 'Ei toh tomaar chele !' 'O kintu tomaar o chele !' Dinen went to Bonny's house with Arko to celebrate the death anneversary of Bonny's late mother. While on their short journey, the divine ambience compelled them to sing a song. After death, a human soul becomes a 'Hotaru' as per Japanese mythology ! 'Jonaaki, jaaye gonaa ki ! Sudhu jonaaki, jwaale rang mashaal, ei maaya jaal jaaye bonaa ki !' His friend was not his friend only, but, a business partner too. Again, Arnab was given an offer to start a partnership business and this time in London. Now, Arnab wants to take Arko back to London. The legal fight began. Alok, as a lawyer, stepped in to help his friend. 'Home Shanti Home !' The Judge himself understood it. 'Manusher mon toh !' 'Erakam kano holo na !' Seshmesh tahole kothay roilo “POSTO”?


This is the Central American forest. We stay here. It is our territory. But, who are they? They are not from our tribes. Hey, why you people have entered our territory. Our land has been captured by some other tribes. Keep an eye on them. 

The lifestyles of the tribal people are very strange. They drank, they danced with the music. But, the stunning effect is yet to come. Next day, the refugees acted like raiders. They killed many and took the men as prisoners. Flint Sky was helpless in front of the Zero Wolf’s men. 

Seven, the wife of that man was pregnant. So, to save her, he kept her and his elder son inside a cave. The journey begins for them as a slave for those raiders. That single bamboo pole on everyone’s shoulder was very hard to control, while walking up the hill. One man died, while saving the entire team-mates. 

The pregnant wife just stayed in the cave with her elder son. She used the ants for some special purposes. The slaves were going through a jungle, where people were dying out of a deadly contagious disease. Don’t dare to come near us, otherwise you will be killed. The little girl dared to say that the omen is bad. The man who will bring the jaguar is going to destroy you all. 

Oh! They are coloring the slaves with blue colors. Why? This is because; these slaves will be slaughtered in front of the Sun God. No one listened to the word “Solar Eclipse” told by that girl, but it really happened. Priest thought the Sun God is satisfied now. Again, there is the sunlight and the tribal people danced with joy. Don’t slaughter the rest of the slaves, but kill them in a different style. 

You have to start running from here. We will throw weapons at you. If you can cross that bush, then you are free, otherwise you are on your way to the heaven. Everyone ran in straight direction, but one man ran in zigzag fashion. Net result, he survived by killing one of their men. 

The battle is still on. ‘Run and Chase’ was the theme of the battle. How this blood came at your back? That means he is resting on a tree trunk. The Black Panther is really very hungry. Keep on running; the last second saved that man. I think the omen is really bad. My goodness, it is the bite of a deadly snake. 

It is a huge waterfall and at the back, they are deadly people. There is no other option; just jump. Hmm… it is not finished yet. He is still alive. I am the Jaguar Paw and this is my forest. Now, you come and fight with me. Ok, we will also jump. 

Take a leaf, fold it and keep on blowing the poisonous small sticks on their body. It really worked; after all he is the son of a hunter. The black mud has its own significance. Now the last encounter begins with the Wolf and the Jaguar. This time the trap has been utilized tactfully to kill the Wolf. 

Mr. Columbus never stops discovering. Two raiders got amazed. In the meantime, Seven gave birth to a baby under the water. After all it was raining heavily, and that really helped her. Jaguar Paw saved her wife and his two children. 

What are those? Those are the transporters for humans on the sea. Will we go there? No, we will go back to the forest to make a new beginning. Already, we have experienced an “Apocalypto” of Mel Gibson.


Who is Tim and who is Ben? Don’t be confused. Just assume that he is an Mr.X, who is an officer of Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Ben told Tim, that I am ill, so, go and collect the money from these defaulters. Not so easy, my dear friend. 

Why the hell you have abused a blind Pork meat seller? Is it because, you have not seen him? Who is Sarah? Well, why the hell you were handling the mobile phone, while you were driving the car?
Emily Posa, another defaulter is also ill. How can she pay back the money? She has a weak heart but a beautiful mind. Hmm…the old woman is not happy. Mr. X also helped her. Have you ever seen a large dog like Took? He he he …the dog is really sweet.

Every day, this man thinks that, he will die, because his mind is dead, for committing a sin, which killed many people, may be his beloved also. What will you do with a house at the coastline, where Sarah is not there? Come on, be a real man. Let that woman, who is also a defaulter, be the owner of this house.

Hey listen, the Emily loves you, so are you? After all, mind rules over your brain, dear. But, Emily, don’t ever dare to ask me about my past. Emily does not care about his past, but really took care of that nice little moments, which she spend with his Thomas.

The doctor confirmed that there is no optimism, for Emily to survive beyond 6 weeks. Well, that’s life, Carry on, and sail on as much as you can, in this deadly sea. Wow, do you know that Jelly fish lives in the sea waters. But, also it can be kept in the hotel rooms. The Jelly fishes are deadly, yet beautiful. The Hotel Manager is just fed up, oh my goodness, Took, the dog is also here to stay with this Thomas, he he he …See the fun.

Hey, is there someone listening? No, dear, no one is there. So, Mr. Thomas, you are a graduate from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), right? Great, so, just utilize your degree to repair a printing machine of Emily. Emily is really happy to see her beloved in a nice T-Shirt, that she gifted him. Have some drink, keep on dancing and rolling your excitement in blue moonlit night, and why not, the temptation of true hearts just rocks in the bedroom. Isn’t so?

Well, may be, indeed it is. But, the real IRS officer is back here to take all his credentials. Mr. X confirmed with the doctor that, Emily is going to die. Now, what will this Mr.X do, will he go to meet the Mrs. Sarah Thomas?

Do you know that the hearts of Wills meets the eyes of Smith? The romantic soul of Posa identifies the soft eyes of the Frazer. Hmm… oh yes, now we remember that in our biology classes, teacher used to say that the weight of human heart is “SEVEN POUNDS”!!!


Larry Daley got divorced to Erica few years back as Larry never had any stable job. Mr. Daley always used to change his jobs due to job dissatisfaction. Nicky was the 10 year old son of Larry. Erica’s fiancĂ© started to look after Nicky. Larry was very upset about his failure to have a stable career. Mr. Daley decided to get a new job desperately to make Nicky feel proud of his father on the Career Day celebration at Nicky’s school. Cecil Fredericks, Gus and Reginald were the three night security guards at the Museum of Natural History of Mr. McPhee. In the night, it was not only the history but also the historical characters which used to become alive inside the Museum. How this magic used to happen? In the Nile Expedition of 1952, the excavators got the Golden Tablet of the 4th Pharaoh of Egypt, Pharaoh Ahkenmenreh who was also a student of Cambridge University. This golden tablet had a magical ray to give life to every historical characters made of wax inside that museum once the Sun sets in the West. 

The Dinosaur Rex was fond of playing the game of fetching the bone. Theodore Roosevelt, the 4th President of the United States of India, who built the Panama Canal, was in love with the Sakagawea girl who helped Clark and Lewis to explore the Pacific Ocean in ancient history. Mr. Daley was reading the manual of instructions: - 1) Throw the Bone; 2) Lock up the Lion; 3) Double Check your belt. Aha! The monkey, Dexter was expert in stealing the keys from the belt of security guards. African mammals started running here and there inside the Museum. Larry gave some bubble gum to the ‘dum dum’ speaker box. The Romans always used to fight with everyone for expansion of their kingdoms. The primitive humans were always busy in lighting up fire by rubbing the stones. They also liked the foams. Attila the Hun who was popularly known as the Scourge of God always believed in ripping everything, though Attila used to fear the African mammals. Christopher Columbus pointed out to Larry that one of the primitive human went outside the window of the museum. When the Sun rises in the East, the wax statues used to melt into dust due to extreme heat of the Sunrays. Inside the museum, there was no danger for the wax statues.

Larry made friendship with Rebecca, the researcher on History. Rebecca told many things to him about ancient history. Larry started reading history books from websites and libraries to know more about those historical characters inside the museum. The management of the Museum decided to fire three old Security Personnel and keep only one young Security Personnel as a measure of cost cutting. Cecil, Gus and Reginald stole the Golden Tablet to sell it somewhere for huge money. The Pharaoh Ahkenmenreh woke up. Attila the Hun tried to attack Larry. This time, by utilizing Pharaoh Ahkenmenreh as the Hun language translator, Mr. Daley made Attila emotional by saying about the tragic childhood days of Attila the Hun. Nicky started believing his father about the night life of the museum. Larry united everyone; the Civil War soldiers, the Vikings, the Romans, the Mayans, the African Mammals and others to get back that Golden Tablet. Jedadiah and Octavius became friends. Teddy proposed that girl as that girl repaired his waxed body with the fire lamp. What was the significance of the word, ‘Dakota’ in ancient history? Were those waxed statues successful in bringing back the golden tablet? Was Nicky proud of his dad? Was Rebecca able to complete her history research paper? Why Mr. McPhee did not fire Larry Daley? Ehe! If I will tell you all the answers to these questions based on a Hollywood movie, then will you ever dare to spend a “NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM”?


In the Olympic event, all eyes were on Randy Daytona, the youngest Badminton player from USA. Randy Daytona lost the Semi-Final match against Karl Wolfschtag of East Germany in that Olympic Event. Pete Daytona, the officer of USA Marines got killed by Mr. Feng. 19 years later, Randy was found to be working as a ping-pong ball entertainer in Rick’s theater. Ernie Rodriguez, the officer of Federal Bureau of Investigation wanted Mr. Daytona to help them to catch the big fish, Mr. Feng!

As Mr. Feng was also a great badminton player, so, every year, he used to organize a badminton event where all the great badminton champions used to participate. At the Western Conference badminton club, The Hammers defeated Randy by 11-3.  Randy realized that as he was totally out of practice since his young days, he has lost form in the game of badminton. Ernie took Randy to the den of Mr. Wong. Mr. Wong was the badminton teacher. He even taught Mr. Feng. Mr. Feng killed Mr. Wong’s younger brother, Le Ping!

In the China town, as per the traditional rule, a Chinese badminton teacher could not teach badminton to any Gwei-Lo (i.e. round-eyed person or Non-Chinese). Maggie, the daughter of Le Ping was a great fighter too. Randy killed the lucky cricket of his master. The training started. Randy was told to play badminton with a spoon. As per Mr. Wong, the ping-pong ball was a matured harlot and to know the tricks of that harlot, it used to take some time and dedication from any badminton player. 

The Chinese goons threatened Mr. Wong for teaching badminton to a Gwei-Lo. Randy entered the liar of the Dragon to beat the Dragon in the badminton match. Till date, no other badminton players were able to play that special serve of that little girl. Randy defeated the Dragon. Mr. Feng got that information. Randy got a golden paddle where it was written, ‘We enter the Clouds’. It was an invitation from Mr. Feng to participate in the Badminton Championship. Mr. Wong, Randy and Ernie boarded the plane at John Wayne Airport.

They reached Tijuana, a place in Central America, which was the den of Mr. Feng. The badminton tournament started. Randy defeated Freddy Fingers in the 1st match. Freddy Fingers got killed by Mr. Feng’s African lady assistant. Whoever lost a badminton match in that tournament got killed. Mr. Feng was impressed with Randy and showed him the secret place. In that Feng’s secret room, there was a special ping-pong ball which was programmed with electric body armor. If you lose a point, the electric power will increase in your body armor.

Ernie had a backup plan as he informed about the secret guns factory at Mr. Feng’s den. Randy was told to play with his southpaw. There was a twist in the tale. Karl got killed. Maggie was forced to play the final match against Randy. Both of them loved each other. Both of them were trying to lose the match to save each other. The FBI team reached Tijuana. The self-destructive program of the island started. Mr.Feng and Randy started playing the Electrical Badminton. Was Randy able to take the revenge in the film, “BALLS OF FURY?”


Once upon a time in ancient Bengal; the King of Coochbehar Kingdom awarded 1000 silver coins to his Army General. Those silver coins were popularly known as Narayani Roupya Mudra. The detective liked the story of that book when he read it for the second time. The real writer of those adventurous stories never used to get any recognition. Mr. Sengupta received them at the Railway Station.

The Singharoy dynasty had its origination in ancient Rajputana Kingdom as Rajputs. The people of Singharoy dynasty were Kshatriya by caste. Aditya Narayan was a great hunter, though, in his old age, he became a mad person. In a picnic, the younger brother fell down from the trunk of an oak tree to suffer a fracture in his right arm. The childhood friend of the Aditya Narayan’s youngest grandson was a good hunter. 

Manitosh gave them a paper. Mr.Mitter memorized the riddle. On that night, Mr. Sanyal saw that man and followed him inside the jungle. The security guard of the jungle area noticed the blue-lighted torch. As per Madhavlal’s opinion, a Royal Bengal Tiger becomes a man-eater when he is too old to hunt other faster animals. Moreover, the human’s blood is saltier than the blood of other animals, which makes human’s meat tastier.

The forest officer, Nitai came to the spot. The detective pointed out something fishy on the dead body to make it a police case. Phalgun was the other name of Arjun. A synonymous word for ‘Jawab’ is ‘Uttar’ and the word; ‘Uttar’ means North direction. The word ‘Hoy’ means ‘Horse’. Aswathama was a character in Mahabharata. The Bengali name of an oak tree is ‘Aswath’ tree. Debotosh told them about Fokla Fakir Tree.

Even Jim Corbett used to avoid hunting a tiger on that day, if he spotted a poisonous snake on his way inside the forest. Just in the northern direction of the Maa Thakurani temple, there was an oak tree. At a distance of 55 hand palms from that tree, they spotted a place in between an Arjun tree and a Tal Tree. Pradyosh entered inside the haunted house and came out.  To search the light, you need to enter into the darkness.

Aditya Narayan’s eldest grandson got locked inside his room! Manitosh wanted them to go back to Kolkata but the detective wanted to go after solving the case only. Next day, at around 8.30 AM; they entered the forest. The King Cobra welcomed the visitor inside the haunted house, though; the visitor was expert enough to deal with that poisonous snake. Shashanka’s friend was very happy to see that pot of their ancestral treasures. 

What is the meaning of the word, ‘Tarit’? Why the wheel of Yudisthira’s chariot touched the ground? Why the Aditya Narayan’s sword attracted the writer’s finger-ring? Is there any section of laws in Indian Penal Code to punish God if he acts as a murderer? To know the answers you don’t have to visit the Devi Choudhurani’s jungle area beyond that Teesta River; rather you just need to watch the Bengali movie, “ROYAL BENGAL RAHASYA.”


He fell in love with Mary Jane Watson. He was an ordinary student and was always jealous of Flash. Norman Osborn was the owner of Oscorp. The Chief of the Quest was always eager to destroy the career of Mr. Osborn. The scientists created a new species of spider by mixing the DNAs of other deadly spiders. Peter started clicking the photos of Mary inside the laboratory. One spider was missing from the laboratory. Was he bitten by a new type of spider? 

In the next morning, the Mr. Parker became an extraordinary person. Uncle Ben and aunt May were too concerned about some slight changes in Peter’s behavior. The performance Enhancers inside the Oscorp laboratory gave birth to a new powerful robotic human, Green Goblin. To buy a car for Mary, Peter wanted some money. To earn money, he decided to take part in a wrestling competition. He made a costume of his own to fight against a dangerous wrestler.
After winning the wrestling, he was not given the full reward money. A thief stole that money. Peter could have easily caught hold of that robber. When there is  fire at other’s house, sometimes we ignore it, but, side by side, we ignore the fact that the fire can spread in any direction to destroy any other’s house. Had Peter caught hold of that robber, Uncle Ben would have remained alive. On that night, the Spider-Man killed that robber to take the sweet revenge. 

The Spider-Man now understood the concept of ‘With Great Power, come great responsibilities.’ The Green Goblin wanted to be the most powerful creature by destructing everything in New York. But, on the other hand, the Spider-Man was becoming the savior for the people of New York City. The Green Goblin wanted to make friendship with Spider-Man but failed to do so. Norman in his new avatar asked Mr. Jameson about the photographer who clicked the photos of Spider-man for Mr. Jameson’s newspaper. 

The Green Goblin tried to kill aunt May and Miss Watson, but failed in his mission. Everyone in New York was happy with Spider-Man. Even the singers in the pubs composed a song on Spider-Man. The battle was on between the Green Goblin and the Spider-Man. Why Harry uttered the statement, ‘Spider-Man has to pay for it.’? Was Mary able to get Peter Parker as her boyfriend? Why a super-hero always hide their real identity? Why a Super-Hero can’t have a girlfriend? Well; to know the answers, you have to watch the movie, “SPIDER-MAN.”