Wednesday, March 13, 2013

10,000 B.C. !!!

People of Yagahl tribes were hunters of Manaks, the four-legged demons. The old mother always used to talk to the spirits to know about the future ahead. As per the old mother’s predictions, a hero would emerge in the last hunting of mammoths. Evolet would be the girl of that warrior. Very soon, Yagahl tribes would transform into a tribe of warriors from a tribe of hunters. KaRen was always jealous on D’Leh. D’Leh got the White Spear. Tic Tic was aware of the danger ahead. 

The soldiers of the cruel leaders over the mountains took many people of Yagahl tribe for slavery. Tic Tic, D’Leh, KaRen and Baku started their journey towards the mountains of Gods to bring back their people. The African tribal people were amazed to see D’Leh talking with the Spear-toothed tiger. As per their predictions, the person who would talk with the Spear-toothed tiger would provide them freedom from slavery. D’Leh saved the life of that tiger once. That’s why; the tiger gave D’Leh a chance to live. 

Slowly and steadily, the message got spread that their warrior has arrived. Father of D’Leh was also a great leader. Great leaders always take a bigger responsibility. Tic Tic motivated D’Leh to become a good leader. The African tribal people were shouting ‘Yahala’ which means, ‘We must bring them down’. It was really difficult to find the head of the snake to catch those birds. Here, ‘birds’ were the boats and ‘snake’ was the river. D’Leh ordered his men to follow the star in the sky.

They entered inside the Mountain of Gods to find a construction of a huge pyramidal structure in progress by utilizing humans and mammoths as slaves. The blind man inside the prison knew about the Uruana, the brightest star of the sky. The night when they could see the Uruana, they would be able to kill the cruel leader. Tic Tic got killed. Was D’Leh successful in killing the cruel king of slaves? Evolet died? Oh! Really, was it so?  No, no, the old mother reversed the ending. As per Buka, due to D’Leh, all the cruel kings died in “10,000 B.C.”

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