Sunday, January 27, 2013


The Homecoming Parade started. Why Cindy wore that crown? Roscoe, Harold and Kenny were in love with Piggy. Mr.Wilton had a well cut-out plan. You guys keep on playing rugby; let us just run away. Glen’s Green Pontiac Ventura of 1974 model got stolen. The Sheriff of Paraquet County started the chase. Bentley got a good customer, Habib. The 17 year old girl was enjoying every moment with her classmate of Contac High School. 

While chasing, the Sheriff of Paraquet County did an accident in Knots County. Sherm tried to arrest Mr. Turner, but failed to do so. Bentley tried hard to get a lift in a car, but he was really an unlucky chap. Oh! The roof of Chow Fongs Restaurant was not there. Piggy Sue badly wanted to use a washroom. The two love-birds entered inside the Venus Arms Hotel. Were they kidnappers? Oh! No! Again the chase started.

Cindy started liking Harold. Kenny got a boo-boo from the Sheriff. Hey, Kenny, don’t be so upset. You just saw a signal. Keep on chasing. The white car got stolen in a car wash. Glen was feeling frustrated even after chasing them with a helicopter. Little kids are smart enough to smoke filtered cigarettes. The Arabs also joined the chasing league. Turner and Sherm were playing hide and seek with each other.

Nellie came from nowhere to impress the Sheriff. Who cares, man! The drama was on at the Snake Lake Snacks. The love-birds planned to sail to other place. The Arabs still remained as man-eaters. Lester and Bentley were in trouble. Kenny finally reached the spot but gave advantage to the Arabs. Finally, who got arrested? Did the Sheriff accepted Roscoe as his son-in-law? To enjoy these moments, just watch, “SMOKEY BITES THE DUST”.

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