Friday, January 25, 2013


Hey, Stu, what’s your relationship status, dude? Last time, in Las Vegas, were you not married to someone? Are you sure, that you are going to get married with a Thai girl? Ok! Not an issue! Let us have a bachelor-type kind of a party just before your marriage. Have you invited Alan for your wedding? Oh! Come on! How can you forget that naughty fellow? Oh! My God! Alan! How come you have still kept those funny photos of our Las Vegas tour? Who the bloody hell is this Teddy? Aha! His name is Teddy, but, he is not at all a Teddy Bear. He is just sixteen and having a dream to become a good doctor. He is Dr.Stuart’s future brother-in-law.

Mr.Garner did not like Fong’s son. The plane landed safely at Bangkok airport. Lauren’s father considered Stu as a chok. Chok is a special type of a food which is served to patients who have liver and stomach problems, you see. To have a tasty food, you need to add some pepper to that chok, buddy. Let’s have an American Beer party on the sea beach. Stu’s friends were praising the hot body of Lauren. Alan mixed something with the marshmallows to play some tricks on Teddy, but, alas, the drug affected everyone. Next morning, Phil got a situation. Ok! Fine! Stu’s teeth was alright this time, but, who made those permanent tattoos on his face?

Where from this International Criminal arrived? Who invited Mr. Chow? When you consume too much drugs, sometimes you become so senseless that it seems that your heart has stopped functioning and you are dead. The ice machine was on 15th floor. The tattoo maker showed them an MMS clip. Oh! They were doing ruckus last night in front of a bar. Policemen came and arrested so many guys. Teddy gifted his cloth to a handicapped old man and Bangkok police department regarded that old man as Teddy. Mongoloid people sometimes get some advantage as everybody’s face looks quite similar, you see.

Brother Han was having a good meditation on that night. Basically, this monk vowed to remain silence for his whole life. Who climbed the wall of their monastery to disturb Brother Han? The monks are expert in martial arts. Better be careful. Lord Buddha always preached that every memory lies somewhere deep within. The bald-headed Alan started meditating. In his meditation, he saw some children behaving like naughty adults. Welcome to this strip-club. When you say Hello to Samir, the strip club owner, say it in style. In Bangkok, always check the lower portion of a girl, before starting to enjoy with her as the other meaning of Bangkok is BANG-COCK.

Chow got recovered from that cold machine. Heat him up. Oh! Monkey! What a sweet monkey! Even in circus, you can’t see a monkey supplying drugs to people after taking some money. What a training! What a monkey! Alan liked this monkey. Teddy got kidnapped? Eh! Don’t give too much attention to that businessman, Kingsley. Why Chow wrote ‘Lebua Hotel, Saturday 6 PM’ on Alan’s belly. Doug was too upset after hearing some surprising phone calls from his friends. The gangsters followed them as they stole the monkey. After a funny chasing, Alan kept that monkey in front of a veterinary medical shop. Hey! Monkey! Have you ever used Skype?

Welcome to the 64th floor of Tower Club! Oh! Who cares about such type of greetings! Internet Banking facilities are so fast nowadays. Kingsley got his money and promised to release Teddy. The Interpol played a nice game to catch the International Criminal. Did Bangkok get Teddy? Stu recalled everything. Teddy got recovered from the Ice Machine. Thank God! Bangkok suffers from 15,000 watt outages every day. Chow possessed The Perfect Life. Alan became the captain of the speedboat and boarded safely on the wedding party. Mike Tyson was the special guest as a singer. Luckily, Stu got married but Teddy’s mobile phone was still in “THE HANGOVER PART II”.

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