Wednesday, February 13, 2013


The younger brother of the ex-policeman got engaged in a brawl against the blacks. Inside the prison of Hongkong, the prisoner heard about his younger brother’s death. Why there was an alarm signal in the prison? Open the packet and enjoy the bomb blast. The Oakland Bombing warned everyone. The cab driver got somewhat impressed with that young lady. Whose landline number was 555-0196? Did his younger brother called up her brother? Kai welcomed Han with a decent fight on martial arts.  People don’t mess up in prison.

The fat black man was jealous on Han as he loved Trish. Oh! What a fight! Hey! Buddy! Let us play the game of rugby. The implementation of martial arts in the game of rugby was really too hot for them to handle. Chu Sing got criticized by his elder son. Colin and his girlfriend went to heaven. Isaak O’ Day increased protection of his daughter.  Po also had some businesses. Was the old Victor still alive? Whose car number was 3EJT624? The lady kick-boxer got killed. Mac was playing his game well at the back-end. Who wanted to have an NFL franchise?

The joint venture business of any property is always very risky. Chu Sing was happy with a cheque from Roth, but, Isaac O’ Day was not. Sometimes, becoming a shareholder is more profitable. Mac was always in hunt to get some shares of that Oakland property. Who killed Colin? Was Trish’s father still alive? Who was on the helicopter? Who got the deeds? Ah! Someone fired bullets at Issak’s traitor. Who killed the younger son of Chu Sing? Did Kai get punishment? The suicide of Han’s father justified the statement that “ROMEO MUST DIE”.

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