Friday, February 15, 2013


European nations decided to have a peace summit to avoid the collapse of western civilization in a world war.  Science is a good subject if it is implemented for the betterment of mankind. But, some people always misuse science. The more the war, the more are the sale of arms, ammunition and gun powders. Hence, the arms dealers gain from the war. A person was keenly interested in buying the shares of Meinhard’s gun factory. Social business is good but not the criminal business. A common link existed in cotton, silk, gunpowder and arms businesses. The business tycoon was so expert that he never left any evidence at all against him. In Europe; England, Germany, France and Russia had always engaged themselves in bloody wars. Due to these rivalries, many secret revolutionary movements started. To add fuel to the fire, many businessmen provided arms and ammunition to the rebels. The objective was very clear for the business tycoon. He wanted a war in Europe to get business mileage in his arms and ammunition industry. But, as the respective governments of the European nations were not indulging in war, it became very difficult to start a world war. 

The strategy of bomb blasts was aimed to create misunderstandings among the European nations for each other. Ravache’s family members got kidnapped. So, he was helpless. Rene tried to tell something to his sister. One of the ambassadors got replaced by Rene. Hats off to plastic surgery! Sherlock started the investigation. Watson was planning to get married. The professional murderer wanted to kill Madam Simza. John married Mary. Mr.Holmes met James. ‘The Dynamics of an Asteroid’ became one of the best-sellers in the market. The newly married couple was on their way to Brighton for honeymoon. Sherlock timed it perfectly. Mycroft gave a timely reception to Mrs.Watson under the bridge with a rescue boat. Both of them met Simza in Paris to get a clear picture. The case became clearer when they met Ravache. But, Ravache committed suicide out of shame. The helpless rebel died helplessly. Behind the walls, there was a way out. Mr. Watson knew what to do with the sandbag. It was not in the opera but in the hotel itself. Sebastian Moran, the best marksman of British Army took a good position to make the blast happen. 

Meinhard died in the bomb blast, but, his arms factory was still operative. Their next destination was Helibronn, near Berlin. Due to some funny acts, the tower fell. The red notebook got exchanged. A notebook on horticulture had several codes in it. They ran through the woods. Little Hansel got introduced. Luckily, they were all alive. The gypsy fortune teller was too concerned about Mr.Holmes. The wedding gift really worked at the right time. Professor James Moriarty also got invited in the Peace Summit of Switzerland. While dancing, they observed the scars. Simza recognized her brother, but, Rene got poisoned after his arrest. Mycroft suffered from some breathing problems. That’s why; Mycroft used a special oxygen mask as a backup in odd situations. Waterfalls of Switzerland are both beautiful and deadly at times. The conclusion was inevitable. Both the chess players fell down from the building. It was checkmate. As per Police records, both the criminal and the detective died in 1891. A special parcel created some doubts on John’s mind. Who typed the question mark after ‘THE END’ in “SHERLOCK HOLMES – A GAME OF SHADOWS”?

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