Saturday, July 9, 2011


Both of them performed their duties. One apologized for his deeds and the other died the death of a martyr. Why the man has entered into that village is a big question mark but that mystery was more than enough to keep him alive and that too in her house.

Slowly and steadily, the curiosity between the two warriors increased for each other. They started the conversation, though not in a very warm mood, but, still the warriors felt that they are the born-warriors. The sweet lady knew the killer of her hubby but still she was so caring to him.

The stranger was surprised to see the discipline and dedication among these villagers to protect their village from the enemies. This discipline, courage, hard-work and dedication helped them to create a concept of a superior warrior in Japan which is popularly known as ‘Samurai’.

The Samurai and their men always used to run a parallel government as the poor people always used to have more faith on these warriors. In 1876, Japan was virtually ruled by the Americans. The Japanese government also wanted an end of the Samurai rule. The American troops added fire to the fuel.

He had full faith on his Highness but the Emperor was himself a little puppet at the hands of the General. He refused to surrender that special sword and vowed to fight back as the Japanese government was in no mood to accept the demands of those poor people.

The war has begun. If you have the brains, then you can utilize only 3000 soldiers to kill around 1,00,000 soldiers. All was going well, but the American & Japanese allied forces had the upgraded technologies. The modern cannons were too much for those real traditional warriors.

Young generation of each nation should know where from their culture came, who were their ancestors? Unless you respect your own tradition, you cannot respect your motherland. Like India, Japan is also a fantastic traditional nation with its own unique civilization. Japanese government forcefully murdered the Samurai culture in 1877, but the Mother Japan is still proud of “THE LAST SAMURAI”, which features Tom Cruise and others.

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