Sadaa sarbapori sarvacchottam satyasya SATYAM; nijoatman brahmanodaya SATCHITTANANDAM. 'Vedica dharma sadaa vijayete.' In Lord Parashuram's own country, in the village of Kalady, a legendary boy took birth. Shivaguru named him Shankara. Shivaguru was aware that 'Death' is coming to meet him as a friend. Aryamba became a widow and started to look after Shankara and his two little friends, 'Gyaan' and 'Mrityu'. 'Bhavati bhiksham dehi.' Even a poor villager gave him alms, but, he refused to take alms from a rich person who never donates anything to the poor people.
A coconut thief promised a Brahmin that he will never steal anything again in his life. 'Dehadandanam khanasthanam, manadandanam chirasthaayi.' Why Shankara became curious about Upanishad ? 'Katha Upanishad' through 'Kathakali' dance in Krishna Temple of Kalady ! Why Yamraj was surprised about the third boon demanded by Gautamputra Nachiketa ? 'Amma, haami sannyasbhvaami.' A trick in the river and Aryamba wished that his son must remain alive even if he becomes a hermit.
On his sannyas yatra, he realized that 'Knowledge' and 'Wisdom' are losing its values in Hindu society which was by then getting dominated by unneccesary 'Animal sacrifices', too many 'Rituals' and illogical 'Superstitions'. He marched to Omkareswar through Sringeri and Gokarn. Govindapada made him his disciple as he was too impressed with this little boy. Shankara decided to simplify and renovate the concepts of 'Badarayana Baani' and 'Brahma Upanishad'. In Kaashi, the 'Chandala' taught him a lesson that when the supreme soul is 'Brahma', which is universal, immortal whereas human body is mortal, then the concept of 'untouchability' is invalid in 'Brahma' concept.
Bhajagovindam, bhajagovindam; atman shuddhanam; praaptehi Brahmanam; govindam paramanandam.' It was time for philosophical debate. Kumarila was the reason for his Buddhist Guru, Dharmapala's death. Kumarila's disciple Mandana Mishra also accepted defeat against Shankara in Mahishmathi, but, Mandana's wife, Ubhaybharati gave him a challenge. The parrot ate the sweet grapes and came out of the cage. Both Mandana and Ubhaybharati became his disciple. 'Bhiksham dehi kripavalambanakeri maata annupurneswari.'
Aryamba died and as per the promise made to her, even being a hermit, Shankara performed her last rites. 'Naa punyam, naa paapam, naa sukham, naa dukham.' The Acharya Shankara requested Padmapada, Thotaka, Sureswara and others to spread the vedic knowledge in all parts of Bharatvarsha Kingdom through 'Digvijay Yatra'. 'Brahma satyam, jagat mithya jivo bhramaiva naparah.' 'Sarvadeva namaskaram keshavam prathi gacchati.' The snow-capped Himalayas witnessed the last days of "ADI SHANKARACHARYA".
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