Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Mr. Ray was very happy to see an orange colored clown fish with white stripes as his new student. On the 1st day of his school life, he proved that he can swim in the ocean water with his little fin, but, after a few moments, he got caught by a diver. The speed boat headed towards Sydney Harbor. Marlin followed the speed boat but was of no use. On the way, the Clown Fish got Dory as his friend. Dory had a problem of short term memory loss. 

Bruce along with two dolphins wanted to form an union of fish communities, but, sharks are always sharks; the moment they smell the blood, they start eating the fishes. Dory and Marlin swam down the deepest point of the ocean. There they encountered a creature with a natural lamp. In that light, they read the letters written on the green colored mask. They started their journey to find P.Sherman of 42, Wallaby Way, Sydney.

The dentist bought the little clown fish and kept it inside the aquarium. All the inhabitants of that aquarium welcomed the little clown fish. The little clown fish succeeded in swimming through the Ring of Fire and got a new name, Sharkbait. All the fishes were scared of Darla, the niece of the dentist. They made a plan to increase impurities inside the aquarium. They had a plan. After all; all drains lead to oceans.

The grey-colored fishes helped Marlin and Dory with some tips and tricks to reach Sydney Harbor. Instead of taking the route in between the terrain, Marlin chose to swim above the terrain. As a net result, they had to play the game of run and chase in the midst of those beautiful, yet deadly pink colored jelly-fishes to prevent themselves from those poisonous jelly-filled tentacles. 

When Marlin woke up, he found himself at the back of a sea turtle whose age was 150 years. The entire battalion of sea-turtles was going to cross the dangerous East Australian Current. The little sea-turtle learned to swim and his father was very happy to see that. After a certain distance, Dory and Marlin had to take another route through a small ridge. They landed safely to get out of that East Australian Current.

Dory knew the language of whales. The little whale was about to eat them but retreated by seeing the bigger whale. Marlin and Dory entered inside the big whale’s mouth. Again, Dory spoke in the language of whales. This time, the Whale released them into the ocean. Dory thanked the Sir Whale. A dedicated father was searching for his son. That news got spread in the ocean. All the creatures of that ocean were impressed to hear that news.

Darla came to her uncle’s house. She took out the new fish from the aquarium. The little clown fish was pretending to be dead. The Pelican recognized that Marlin was that dedicated father who was in news. Marlin and Dory sat on the Pelican’s beak. When the Pelican reached the dentist’s house, the clown fish was already flushed in the drains. Did Marlin succeed to get back his son in the animated movie, “FINDING NEMO?”

Sunday, May 13, 2012


Once upon a time in ancient Bengal; the King of Coochbehar Kingdom awarded 1000 silver coins to his Army General. Those silver coins were popularly known as Narayani Roupya Mudra. The detective liked the story of that book when he read it for the second time. The real writer of those adventurous stories never used to get any recognition. Mr. Sengupta received them at the Railway Station.

The Singharoy dynasty had its origination in ancient Rajputana Kingdom as Rajputs. The people of Singharoy dynasty were Kshatriya by caste. Aditya Narayan was a great hunter, though, in his old age, he became a mad person. In a picnic, the younger brother fell down from the trunk of an oak tree to suffer a fracture in his right arm. The childhood friend of the Aditya Narayan’s youngest grandson was a good hunter. 

Manitosh gave them a paper. Mr.Mitter memorized the riddle. On that night, Mr. Sanyal saw that man and followed him inside the jungle. The security guard of the jungle area noticed the blue-lighted torch. As per Madhavlal’s opinion, a Royal Bengal Tiger becomes a man-eater when he is too old to hunt other faster animals. Moreover, the human’s blood is saltier than the blood of other animals, which makes human’s meat tastier.

The forest officer, Nitai came to the spot. The detective pointed out something fishy on the dead body to make it a police case. Phalgun was the other name of Arjun. A synonymous word for ‘Jawab’ is ‘Uttar’ and the word; ‘Uttar’ means North direction. The word ‘Hoy’ means ‘Horse’. Aswathama was a character in Mahabharata. The Bengali name of an oak tree is ‘Aswath’ tree. Debotosh told them about Fokla Fakir Tree.

Even Jim Corbett used to avoid hunting a tiger on that day, if he spotted a poisonous snake on his way inside the forest. Just in the northern direction of the Maa Thakurani temple, there was an oak tree. At a distance of 55 hand palms from that tree, they spotted a place in between an Arjun tree and a Tal Tree. Pradyosh entered inside the haunted house and came out.  To search the light, you need to enter into the darkness.

Aditya Narayan’s eldest grandson got locked inside his room! Manitosh wanted them to go back to Kolkata but the detective wanted to go after solving the case only. Next day, at around 8.30 AM; they entered the forest. The King Cobra welcomed the visitor inside the haunted house, though; the visitor was expert enough to deal with that poisonous snake. Shashanka’s friend was very happy to see that pot of their ancestral treasures. 

What is the meaning of the word, ‘Tarit’? Why the wheel of Yudisthira’s chariot touched the ground? Why the Aditya Narayan’s sword attracted the writer’s finger-ring? Is there any section of laws in Indian Penal Code to punish God if he acts as a murderer? To know the answers you don’t have to visit the Devi Choudhurani’s jungle area beyond that Teesta River; rather you just need to watch the Bengali movie, “ROYAL BENGAL RAHASYA.”

Saturday, May 12, 2012


Sid opened up a camp to earn respect, but, alas, the kids in that camp were too naughty enough to pull his legs every time. Manny told them a story but many of those kids did not like that story. The kids were of the opinion that mammoths have got extinct like the dinosaurs. Manny felt sad to hear that he was the last mammoth alive on Earth. Fast Tony was expert in predictions. Fast Tony predicted about the Global Warming which would melt the ice to cause a dangerous flood. Manny did not believe it. To earn some respect, Sid decided to show some courageous act by falling from the top of a great waterfall. Manny prevented Sid to act like a nonsense fellow. Diego experienced the melting of ice. Manny along with his friends floated down the waterfall to reach at the camp. This time, Manny appreciated Fast Tony’s prediction. The scary vulture also gave the news about the flood. Actually, the vultures were happy about the flood as they could feed on the dead bodies of the creatures. But, still, the vulture suggested them to go to the other side of the valley and board on the boat to survive in the flood. 

All the creatures started their journey towards that valley. As the ice melted, the two dangerous aquatic creatures came out of that ice block. Stu frightened James when he was drinking water. They killed Stu, the turtle. Fast Tony took the empty shell of that turtle to utilize it as a small boat as it floated on water. On their journey, Diego and Sid met with Eddie and Crash, the two naughty possums. Manny felt quite happy after seeing Ellie who used to regard herself as a possum, though she was a mammoth. When Ellie was a little mammoth, she lost her way and came to a place where she met two little male possums. From that time onwards, Ellie began to regard herself as a possum and the elder sister of Crash and Eddie. After seeing that place, Ellie became nostalgic and her footsteps confirmed her mind that she was a mammoth. Sid told Manny to forget about his past by planning about his future. Manny liked the big butt of Ellie. Manny also wanted to continue their species, but, Ellie was not in a mood. The swinging rocks were too adventurous for them, but it forced the two mammoths to lock their horns for the first time. Ellie apologized as she over-reacted on Manny. 

On a night, the tribe of mini-sloths kidnapped the Fire King as they were of the opinion that the sacrifice of Fire King would save them from the flood. Sid was lucky enough to survive. After a small quarrel, Ellie took the other route along with her younger brothers. Sometimes, smart moves are more important than courageous acts. Manny was going in the dangerous zone to show his courage, but after a few while, he realized his foolishness and retreated. Ellie got stuck inside a cave. Crash and Eddie shouted for help. Manny, Diego and Sid responded to their call. Flood waters started flowing all around the valley with great speed. Diego was suffering from mental hydrophobia after the attacks from those dangerous aquatic creatures. But, the sloth told him earlier about the swimming technique. Just Kick and Claw! The tiger regarded the flood water as his prey and pounced on it. Wow! Diego learned how to swim within a few minutes. Necessity always forces you to adapt and learn new things and tigers are always tigers! Diego saved Crash, Eddie and Sid from drowning into the flood waters. In the meanwhile, the two dangerous aquatic creatures attacked Manny again. However, Ellie got rescued. 

They were standing on a rock. All the other creatures boarded on the boat. The flood waters were raging. Sid and his friends were feeling as if they were going to die. On the top of the icy valley, a small creature was trying to climb up with his delicious food. This small creature was always the trouble creator of ice age, but, this time, unintentionally, he divided the valley into two parts to create a superb drainage system for the flood waters. Wow! Even after the deadly flood due to global warming, luckily, they were alive. Manny and Ellie were delighted to see a herd of mammoths. Ellie decided to move with the herd. Sid and Diego suggested Manny to go with Ellie. Manny got some mental strength and proposed Ellie. Ellie changed her decision. Manny, Ellie, Diego, Sid, Crash and Eddie again started moving as a new family. The little creature was about to enter the heaven, but, Sid pulled him back by saving him in the movie, “ICE AGE- THE MELTDOWN.”

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Once upon a time, in ancient days, in one of the deserts of Arab, there was a City of Mystery, Agrabah. The Royal General of the then Sultan wanted that magical lamp. To fetch that lamp, Jafar sent Gazeem, the thief inside the Cave of Wonders. Gazeem died inside that cave. The Cave of Wonders gave Jafar a hint by saying, ‘diamond in the rough’. As per the Arabic law of marriage, a princess was allowed to marry a prince only. Many suitors like Prince Achmed and other princes gave marriage proposals to the princess of Agrabah, but, it was of no use. The Sultan of Agrabah was too concerned about his daughter’s marriage. Jasmine always felt like a prisoner inside the palace. Raja, the pet Royal Bengal Tiger of the palace was her only good friend inside the palace. 

Aladdin, the poor thief fell in love with her at the first sight. Jasmine was caught in a trouble inside the marketplace, but, Aladdin and his monkey, Abu rescued her. In the meantime, Jafar snatched the Sultan’s mystic blue diamond to know about the person who was authorized to enter that Cave of Wonders. Jafar ordered the guards to arrest Aladdin. Inside the prison, Jafar took the disguise of a prisoner with some precious stones to motivate Aladdin to enter the Cave of Wonders. Aladdin and Abu entered that cave. The magical blue carpet became their friend. Abu got tempted to touch a forbidden treasure. The chaos took place, though; the Blue Carpet saved both of them. The disguised prisoner acted as a traitor, but, Abu did well to steal that lamp.

Aladdin rubbed the magical lamp. The Blue skinned Genie of the Lamp came out of prison after 10,000 years. The Genie told his master that a genie cannot kill anyone, cannot fall in love with a girl and cannot make a dead man alive.  Side by side, Genie also made a wish that he want his freedom from this lamp forever. Aladdin promised to free him. With the magical touches of the Genie, the Prince Ali Ababwa entered the Agrabah city to impress everyone. Jasmine was smart enough to understand the real identity of Prince Ali. The Prince Ali with the help of that magical blue carpet took Jasmine for a world tour. Jasmine never loved a fake Prince but Aladdin only. Lago, the parrot of Jafar stole that magical lamp. Genie got a cruel master now.

Jafar promised to free Genie if the Genie fulfills Jafar’s three wishes. Jafar wished to become the powerful Sultan and then he wanted to become the powerful sorcerer of the world. Jafar tried to kill Aladdin and Abu, but, both of them survived and they came back to the Agrabah city again with the help of that magical carpet. The deep kiss from Jasmine was not enough to control Jafar as he was a very shrewd person. Jafar took the shape of a big snake to kill Aladdin. Jafar felt humiliated when Aladdin told him that the Genie was more powerful than him. Jafar made his last wish to the Blue Genie to become the most powerful Genie of the world. As per the Arabic rule, a Genie can be kept as a prisoner inside a magical lamp for 10,000 years. Did the Sultan change that Arabic law of marriage? Was Jasmine able to get her beloved lover as her hubby? Was Genie freed from that magical lamp in the Walt Disney’s animation movie, “ALADDIN”?

Saturday, May 5, 2012


You wanted a monster; Well, I think, you have got one! Frank died, but, the concept of Frankenstein was still alive. In 2012, the US economy collapsed further and there was a rise in unemployment all over USA. At that period, the business of betting and gambling started booming because all the unemployed people of USA were putting their little bit of savings on betting business to earn more money. Once upon a time, Jensen Ames was one of the best racing car drivers of USA. Later, he came out of that racing career and started working in a Steel Mill. But, due to global recession, the Steel Mill closed down. The workers in that Mill and their Union leaders protested against the Management, but, it was of no use. Jensen got only 300 USD as the final settlement from that Steel Mill. On that night, someone killed her wife, Suzy and snatched away his little daughter, Piper.

Many prisoners of USA were sent to the Department of Corrections in the Terminal Island. Hennessey was the In-Charge of that Terminal Island. In that Terminal Island, there was a rule. If a prisoner used to won 5 races in that island, then he was freed from that Island. All the cars were well-armored with weapons and shields. The race track had three laps. The races were played in 3 stages, with full –fledged live coverage all around the world. Based on the number of million viewers and their money invested on the contestants of the race, the betting business used to boom in USA. As USA government was earning high taxes from this betting business, they never put any objection on this deadly race inside the prisoners’ island. The Coach started coaching Mr. Ames about the tips and tactics of this race.

Case killed her lousy hubby who was a good cop. She even killed Frank as per the orders of Hennessey. The race of 1st stage started. On the racing track, in some places, there were three types of symbols; Death Heads, Sword and Shield. The moment a car used to pass over the symbols, the weapons or the shields of the car used to get activated. After the 1st stage of race, three contenders died. Jensen wanted to pull out from the race, but, Hennessey played a small emotional ploy on him by showing the photo of Suzy’s daughter to him. Mr. Ames found out the killer of his wife and understood the entire game plan behind it. In the 2nd stage of the race, Jensen made Case confess that she killed Frank. The Frankenstein killed Pachenko. Garson, Riggins, 14K and all the other drivers died in the 2nd stage of race, except Frankenstein and Machine Gun Joe.

Lists tracked out that Hennessey ordered to create something very special in the garage. Before the 3rd and final stage of the race, the Monster had a little talk with Joe. The final stage of the race began. The battle was on against the big Dreadnought. Hennessey intentionally deactivated all the weapons and shields of the Monster’s car without knowing about the fact that Jensen was a better diplomat than her. The final lap of the race took a thrilling turn when Hennessey got to know that the two prisoners were trying to escape from that island. The Choppers arrested the Frankenstein. Was it the real monster? Hennessey was confident that she won the battle, but, the Coach pressed the deadly button to give her a nice gift. After 6 months, in Santa Rosaila, Mexico, Case joined Piper’s dad. Joe liked her four-wheeler. They lived happily as free birds after that “DEATH RACE.”

Friday, May 4, 2012

2012 !!!

Everything dies to take a re-birth. That’s the Universal truth. The Mayans saw this coming 1000 years back. The Christians termed it as Apocalypse. On 21st December 2012, the Sun, the Moon and the Earth came in a straight line. In 2009, Mr.Satnam, the famous astrophysicist of India along with Dr.Lokesh was researching at the Naga Deng Copper Mine. At 17,000 feet below the surface, the increased neutrino counts were creating too much physical reactions to heat up the earth’s crust. The earth’s crust started behaving like a huge microwave of the planet Earth. Adrian Helmsley, the Deputy Geologist of the White House told about this problem to Carl Anheuser. The USA President along with the top ministers of powerful nations decided to construct arks for their survival in the near future. The program of constructing the arks started in 2010 at Cho Ming Valley of Tibet. In 2011, Mr. Yuri Karpov sold tickets of the ark to the Sultan of Dubai for 1 billion Euros at Empire Grand Hotel of London. In 2011, at Musee Due Louvre of France, Mr. Roland along with Laura removed the original ‘Monalisa’ of Pablo Picasso with a fake one. The Director of the French National Museum died in the same tunnel where Princess Diana died in 1997. Tom and Harry were the singers of Genesis (The Cruise). Tom’s son married a Japanese girl and Harry’s son was a top-class geologist of USA.

In the Manhattan Beach of California, the author of the book, ‘Farewell Atlantis’ woke up in the morning to feel himself like a dead man. He was not so concerned by seeing those surface cracks in the streets of California. Kate was not happy with her hubby Jackson Curtis as he was a blogger and was always busy in writing stories by using his laptop. Jackson did the right thing to divorce Kate. Kate was in a live-in relationship with her boyfriend, Gordon, and her children Noah and Lily also used to stay with her. Noah and Lily wanted to spend a short vacation with their dad. Jackson went for a short vacation to the Yellowstone National Park with Lily and Noah. In the Yellowstone National Park, the crazy reporter, Charlie Frost told Jackson about Professor Meyer’s Atlantis program and the secret map. Inside the supermarket, Kate was shocked to experience the surface cracks. Kate ordered Noah and Lily to come back home. Curtis came to know about the ark from the twin sons of Mr. Yuri Karpov. Jackson hired a private plane. Gordon became the pilot. Charlie Frost kept on reporting about the deadly volcanoes at Mt. Bighorn (2779 ft) till his last breathe. Jackson got the map. The President was not in a mood to leave America, rather he requested his daughter, Dr.Wilson to go to the ark. The President of USA revealed everything about the upcoming nature’s fury to his countrymen. Later he died in the natural calamity. 

Sasha managed to fly an ‘Antonov 500’ with his co-pilot, Gordon. Las Vegas went down; so was the Eiffel Tower. The statue of Jesus Christ was no more in Rio de Janeiro due to deadly earthquakes measuring around 9.5 in Richter scale. Hawaii Island was totally under the volcanic fire. They failed to re-fuel their plane. Nima told Lama about the upcoming flood from China towards Tibet. Lama did not believe it. Sasha landed well in the glacier of China, but it was not enough to keep him alive. The people of Vatican City were praying to Jesus Christ, but God was also helpless in front of Mother Nature’s destructive dancing. After listening to his grandma, Tenzin took those Americans inside. Mr.Satnam, the Indian astrophysicist was a victim of American’s racism towards Asians and died in the flood waters at Nampan Plateau along with his wife Aparna and son Ajit. At least, Asians were not racists. That’s why; Tibetans gave entry to the Americans inside that Ark-3 to survive. Adrian was furious after hearing about the death of Satnam. Adrian decided to board everyone inside the Ark-3 to save them. Mr. Anheuser got cornered as all the Prime Ministers of other nations supported Adrian. There was a jam inside the hydraulic chamber. Everyone wanted to live in happy moments, but, when the natural disaster came in, they were ready to die, only after ensuring that their children remain safe and alive. Mr. Jackson and his son, Noah did well to make the Ark-3 engine start at the right time to prevent a deadly collision against the Mt. Everest. After 37 days inside the Ark-3 and its sister arks, the humans saw a bright sunny day. By the way; what was the significance of CAPE OF GOOD HOPE after that Judgement Day in the superb Hollywood movie, “2012”?