Saturday, May 5, 2012


You wanted a monster; Well, I think, you have got one! Frank died, but, the concept of Frankenstein was still alive. In 2012, the US economy collapsed further and there was a rise in unemployment all over USA. At that period, the business of betting and gambling started booming because all the unemployed people of USA were putting their little bit of savings on betting business to earn more money. Once upon a time, Jensen Ames was one of the best racing car drivers of USA. Later, he came out of that racing career and started working in a Steel Mill. But, due to global recession, the Steel Mill closed down. The workers in that Mill and their Union leaders protested against the Management, but, it was of no use. Jensen got only 300 USD as the final settlement from that Steel Mill. On that night, someone killed her wife, Suzy and snatched away his little daughter, Piper.

Many prisoners of USA were sent to the Department of Corrections in the Terminal Island. Hennessey was the In-Charge of that Terminal Island. In that Terminal Island, there was a rule. If a prisoner used to won 5 races in that island, then he was freed from that Island. All the cars were well-armored with weapons and shields. The race track had three laps. The races were played in 3 stages, with full –fledged live coverage all around the world. Based on the number of million viewers and their money invested on the contestants of the race, the betting business used to boom in USA. As USA government was earning high taxes from this betting business, they never put any objection on this deadly race inside the prisoners’ island. The Coach started coaching Mr. Ames about the tips and tactics of this race.

Case killed her lousy hubby who was a good cop. She even killed Frank as per the orders of Hennessey. The race of 1st stage started. On the racing track, in some places, there were three types of symbols; Death Heads, Sword and Shield. The moment a car used to pass over the symbols, the weapons or the shields of the car used to get activated. After the 1st stage of race, three contenders died. Jensen wanted to pull out from the race, but, Hennessey played a small emotional ploy on him by showing the photo of Suzy’s daughter to him. Mr. Ames found out the killer of his wife and understood the entire game plan behind it. In the 2nd stage of the race, Jensen made Case confess that she killed Frank. The Frankenstein killed Pachenko. Garson, Riggins, 14K and all the other drivers died in the 2nd stage of race, except Frankenstein and Machine Gun Joe.

Lists tracked out that Hennessey ordered to create something very special in the garage. Before the 3rd and final stage of the race, the Monster had a little talk with Joe. The final stage of the race began. The battle was on against the big Dreadnought. Hennessey intentionally deactivated all the weapons and shields of the Monster’s car without knowing about the fact that Jensen was a better diplomat than her. The final lap of the race took a thrilling turn when Hennessey got to know that the two prisoners were trying to escape from that island. The Choppers arrested the Frankenstein. Was it the real monster? Hennessey was confident that she won the battle, but, the Coach pressed the deadly button to give her a nice gift. After 6 months, in Santa Rosaila, Mexico, Case joined Piper’s dad. Joe liked her four-wheeler. They lived happily as free birds after that “DEATH RACE.”

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