Saturday, May 12, 2012


Sid opened up a camp to earn respect, but, alas, the kids in that camp were too naughty enough to pull his legs every time. Manny told them a story but many of those kids did not like that story. The kids were of the opinion that mammoths have got extinct like the dinosaurs. Manny felt sad to hear that he was the last mammoth alive on Earth. Fast Tony was expert in predictions. Fast Tony predicted about the Global Warming which would melt the ice to cause a dangerous flood. Manny did not believe it. To earn some respect, Sid decided to show some courageous act by falling from the top of a great waterfall. Manny prevented Sid to act like a nonsense fellow. Diego experienced the melting of ice. Manny along with his friends floated down the waterfall to reach at the camp. This time, Manny appreciated Fast Tony’s prediction. The scary vulture also gave the news about the flood. Actually, the vultures were happy about the flood as they could feed on the dead bodies of the creatures. But, still, the vulture suggested them to go to the other side of the valley and board on the boat to survive in the flood. 

All the creatures started their journey towards that valley. As the ice melted, the two dangerous aquatic creatures came out of that ice block. Stu frightened James when he was drinking water. They killed Stu, the turtle. Fast Tony took the empty shell of that turtle to utilize it as a small boat as it floated on water. On their journey, Diego and Sid met with Eddie and Crash, the two naughty possums. Manny felt quite happy after seeing Ellie who used to regard herself as a possum, though she was a mammoth. When Ellie was a little mammoth, she lost her way and came to a place where she met two little male possums. From that time onwards, Ellie began to regard herself as a possum and the elder sister of Crash and Eddie. After seeing that place, Ellie became nostalgic and her footsteps confirmed her mind that she was a mammoth. Sid told Manny to forget about his past by planning about his future. Manny liked the big butt of Ellie. Manny also wanted to continue their species, but, Ellie was not in a mood. The swinging rocks were too adventurous for them, but it forced the two mammoths to lock their horns for the first time. Ellie apologized as she over-reacted on Manny. 

On a night, the tribe of mini-sloths kidnapped the Fire King as they were of the opinion that the sacrifice of Fire King would save them from the flood. Sid was lucky enough to survive. After a small quarrel, Ellie took the other route along with her younger brothers. Sometimes, smart moves are more important than courageous acts. Manny was going in the dangerous zone to show his courage, but after a few while, he realized his foolishness and retreated. Ellie got stuck inside a cave. Crash and Eddie shouted for help. Manny, Diego and Sid responded to their call. Flood waters started flowing all around the valley with great speed. Diego was suffering from mental hydrophobia after the attacks from those dangerous aquatic creatures. But, the sloth told him earlier about the swimming technique. Just Kick and Claw! The tiger regarded the flood water as his prey and pounced on it. Wow! Diego learned how to swim within a few minutes. Necessity always forces you to adapt and learn new things and tigers are always tigers! Diego saved Crash, Eddie and Sid from drowning into the flood waters. In the meanwhile, the two dangerous aquatic creatures attacked Manny again. However, Ellie got rescued. 

They were standing on a rock. All the other creatures boarded on the boat. The flood waters were raging. Sid and his friends were feeling as if they were going to die. On the top of the icy valley, a small creature was trying to climb up with his delicious food. This small creature was always the trouble creator of ice age, but, this time, unintentionally, he divided the valley into two parts to create a superb drainage system for the flood waters. Wow! Even after the deadly flood due to global warming, luckily, they were alive. Manny and Ellie were delighted to see a herd of mammoths. Ellie decided to move with the herd. Sid and Diego suggested Manny to go with Ellie. Manny got some mental strength and proposed Ellie. Ellie changed her decision. Manny, Ellie, Diego, Sid, Crash and Eddie again started moving as a new family. The little creature was about to enter the heaven, but, Sid pulled him back by saving him in the movie, “ICE AGE- THE MELTDOWN.”

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