Friday, May 4, 2012

2012 !!!

Everything dies to take a re-birth. That’s the Universal truth. The Mayans saw this coming 1000 years back. The Christians termed it as Apocalypse. On 21st December 2012, the Sun, the Moon and the Earth came in a straight line. In 2009, Mr.Satnam, the famous astrophysicist of India along with Dr.Lokesh was researching at the Naga Deng Copper Mine. At 17,000 feet below the surface, the increased neutrino counts were creating too much physical reactions to heat up the earth’s crust. The earth’s crust started behaving like a huge microwave of the planet Earth. Adrian Helmsley, the Deputy Geologist of the White House told about this problem to Carl Anheuser. The USA President along with the top ministers of powerful nations decided to construct arks for their survival in the near future. The program of constructing the arks started in 2010 at Cho Ming Valley of Tibet. In 2011, Mr. Yuri Karpov sold tickets of the ark to the Sultan of Dubai for 1 billion Euros at Empire Grand Hotel of London. In 2011, at Musee Due Louvre of France, Mr. Roland along with Laura removed the original ‘Monalisa’ of Pablo Picasso with a fake one. The Director of the French National Museum died in the same tunnel where Princess Diana died in 1997. Tom and Harry were the singers of Genesis (The Cruise). Tom’s son married a Japanese girl and Harry’s son was a top-class geologist of USA.

In the Manhattan Beach of California, the author of the book, ‘Farewell Atlantis’ woke up in the morning to feel himself like a dead man. He was not so concerned by seeing those surface cracks in the streets of California. Kate was not happy with her hubby Jackson Curtis as he was a blogger and was always busy in writing stories by using his laptop. Jackson did the right thing to divorce Kate. Kate was in a live-in relationship with her boyfriend, Gordon, and her children Noah and Lily also used to stay with her. Noah and Lily wanted to spend a short vacation with their dad. Jackson went for a short vacation to the Yellowstone National Park with Lily and Noah. In the Yellowstone National Park, the crazy reporter, Charlie Frost told Jackson about Professor Meyer’s Atlantis program and the secret map. Inside the supermarket, Kate was shocked to experience the surface cracks. Kate ordered Noah and Lily to come back home. Curtis came to know about the ark from the twin sons of Mr. Yuri Karpov. Jackson hired a private plane. Gordon became the pilot. Charlie Frost kept on reporting about the deadly volcanoes at Mt. Bighorn (2779 ft) till his last breathe. Jackson got the map. The President was not in a mood to leave America, rather he requested his daughter, Dr.Wilson to go to the ark. The President of USA revealed everything about the upcoming nature’s fury to his countrymen. Later he died in the natural calamity. 

Sasha managed to fly an ‘Antonov 500’ with his co-pilot, Gordon. Las Vegas went down; so was the Eiffel Tower. The statue of Jesus Christ was no more in Rio de Janeiro due to deadly earthquakes measuring around 9.5 in Richter scale. Hawaii Island was totally under the volcanic fire. They failed to re-fuel their plane. Nima told Lama about the upcoming flood from China towards Tibet. Lama did not believe it. Sasha landed well in the glacier of China, but it was not enough to keep him alive. The people of Vatican City were praying to Jesus Christ, but God was also helpless in front of Mother Nature’s destructive dancing. After listening to his grandma, Tenzin took those Americans inside. Mr.Satnam, the Indian astrophysicist was a victim of American’s racism towards Asians and died in the flood waters at Nampan Plateau along with his wife Aparna and son Ajit. At least, Asians were not racists. That’s why; Tibetans gave entry to the Americans inside that Ark-3 to survive. Adrian was furious after hearing about the death of Satnam. Adrian decided to board everyone inside the Ark-3 to save them. Mr. Anheuser got cornered as all the Prime Ministers of other nations supported Adrian. There was a jam inside the hydraulic chamber. Everyone wanted to live in happy moments, but, when the natural disaster came in, they were ready to die, only after ensuring that their children remain safe and alive. Mr. Jackson and his son, Noah did well to make the Ark-3 engine start at the right time to prevent a deadly collision against the Mt. Everest. After 37 days inside the Ark-3 and its sister arks, the humans saw a bright sunny day. By the way; what was the significance of CAPE OF GOOD HOPE after that Judgement Day in the superb Hollywood movie, “2012”?

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