Saturday, June 15, 2013


The penguins constructed an aircraft in joint collaboration with the chimps. On his birthday, Alex made a wish to go back home. Penguins had a plan to earn some money from a casino at Port Casino. The four musketeers followed them. Captain Dubois got a tough task. This time, she wanted the head of the King of the Jungle. King Julien switched off the power at the right time. The next destination was at the terrace of Hotel Ambassador from where they would take a flight to go to New York.

Captain Dubois and her team members started the chase. Penguins really created a very modern four-wheeler. Dubois had a very tough time in chasing them. The chimpanzees started firing bananas at the strong lady and ultimately succeeded to start the plane. Alex used his nail at the right time. Well done, Lion, but, the game is on. The gearbox of the plane stopped functioning. As a net result, the plane had a rough landing in France. As per French rules, employees may work only for 2 weeks a month. Chimps became lazy.

The Monaco policemen were already searching for the culprits who did the plane crash in France, but, luckily, the zoo animals told a lie to get a lift on the circus train. Vitaly never liked Alex. But, Melman, Gloria and Marty cooked up a story that Alex used to perform Trapeze Americano. Gia got impressed. Stefano was happy to hear about it. On the other hand, King Julien fell in love with a cute bear, Sonia. Julien got married to Sonia at Vatican City. The lemur even bought a Ducati bike for her by using that stolen ring.

All the earned money from casino was given to the circus owner to buy that circus company. The new circus company had its name as Afro Circus. They did a flop show at Rome inside the Colosseum. Alex took the charge to motivate all of them with new ideas. Gia, the female jaguar was desperate to learn Trapeze Americano. There was one time, when Vitaly was the champion performer, but, his furs got burnt due to an accident. He lost his confidence. Alex started motivating the tiger again.

The practice session started. Gloria taught Melman about how to walk on a string. Oh! Wow! Melman’s hidden love towards Gloria became a reality now. Gloria became Melman’s partner now. Even Marty was performing well with Stefano. Alex taught Gia a different type of Trapeze Americano. The American contractor saw the Afro Circus at London and was too impressed after seeing such an excellent performance by all the animals of the Afro Circus. So, the next circus is at New York City.

Dubois made a google search to find out about the missing lion from the Central Park Zoo of New York City and took a print out of that article. Gia and her friends were furious after reading that article. Some misunderstandings took place between the zoo animals and the circus animals. The zoo animals headed towards New York City and the circus animals got disheartened as they got fooled. Dubois entered inside the hospital to encourage her colleagues by singing a very inspirational song.

The French Lady was awarded a cheque of 1 lakh USD for bringing back the four escaped animals to the Central Park Zoo. Dubois tore off that cheque as she wanted the head of that Lion. When King Julien returned to Afro Circus unit, the penguins understood that the other four animals are in big trouble. Did the circus animals tried to save those zoo animals? What was the future of Afro Circus? Who had the last laugh in the battle of Dubois Vs Alex? To know the answers, watch “MADAGASCAR 3 – EUROPE’S MOST WANTED”.

Friday, June 14, 2013


Once upon a time, there was an empire which stretched from the steppes of China to the Mediterranean Sea. Who was saved by whom from a lion in their childhood days? The God of the Sand Glass found selfishness and treachery everywhere in human society. That’s why; the God decided to destroy the mankind and restart again from the scratch, but, a little girl made some humble request. The little girl became the guardian of that dagger which can be filled with the sands of time to reverse the time to rectify your mistakes or errors. Just press the jewel at the hilt of the dagger, then the time is in your control. That orphan boy of Nasaf city had a good heart and he was brave too. The orphan boy’s bravery impressed King Sharaman. Hence, Dastan became a Prince of Persia. As per the information from the spies, the holy kingdom of Alamut used to supply arms to the enemy kingdoms of Persia. Nizam motivated the Persians to invade the kingdom of Alamut. Dastan along with his men played some tricks to make it easier for Persians to invade Alamut.

Tus wanted to marry Tamina, but King Sharaman gifted Tamina to Dastan. The robe was poisoned. Therefore, King Sharaman was no more. Dastan was charged with criminal charges for killing his father. In the valley of death, they faced challenges from the M’Baka tribal people of Sudan. Noble Sheikh Omar never used to pay taxes to the Persian government because as a small businessman, he was fed up of the cruel governance of Persia. Rather, he invested on gaming industry of Ostrich racing on the deserts. Dastan came to know about the real powers of the dagger. At that juncture, he understood why Alamut was invaded. The special dagger was the reason for all this. Dastan had a doubt on Tus. Tus ordered his men to find Dastan at any cost. Many dignitaries from other kingdoms came to visit the funeral of King Sharaman at Avrat. Dastan gave a message to his uncle to meet him secretly. Tamina did well to take away that dagger from Dastan. The secret discussion gave rise to suspicions and ultimately Dastan came to the conclusion that Nizam played the entire game from behind. Actually, Nizam killed his own brother. 

Tus was not in a mood to kill Dastan. He rather wanted to put Dastan on a trial. The princess of Alamut talked about a sanctuary near Hindukush Mountain where the dagger can be kept secretly, but, alas, the Nizam and the Hassansin knew about that secret place. Garsiv also came to the spot. After talking to his brother, he realized that Nizam is the main culprit. In the battle, Garsiv died but uttered his last wish to Dastan to save the Persian Empire. If any scratch takes place in the Sand Glass, then there will be God’s wrath.  Dastan met Tus and convinced Tus about the magical powers of that dagger. Nizam came to the spot to snatch the dagger. Hassansin along with his vipers already found the Sand Glass at Alamut. Now, Nizam had to pierce the dagger only on the Sand Glass to become more powerful. Seso died in the battle and Omar did not confess about anything. Tamina helped Dastan to kill Hassansin. As per the rules, the guardian of the dagger had to die, but, the God of Sand Glass gave respect to the concept of family. Did the God of Sand Glass with the help of the Sands of Time reversed the time for Dastan to rectify all the errors and mistakes in the Hollywood film, “PRINCE OF PERSIA – THE SANDS OF TIME”?

Thursday, June 6, 2013


The married couple was enjoying their romantic moments inside the car. After a few while, their romantic moments got shattered due to a truck driver. Due to a severe injury in her brain, she lost her memory. Bill and Rita saw a ray of hope to take their daughter back to home. But after hearing the recording in the mobile handset, she decided to explore more about herself. 4 years back, the student of the Art Institute and the owner of a recording studio met each other outside the Cafe Mnemonic.

Several questions got piled up in Paige’s head. Why the hell she left the Law School? Oh! No! She changed her lifestyles as well as food habits after marriage. Why was Jeremy dumped by her just before the wedding? To know the answer, she met Jeremy in his office. She attended a little party, but, she could not remember about any single friend of Leo. 4 years back, Leo and Paige got married to each other in Illinois. At that time, both Leo and Paige took a vow to love each other forever.

Leo was unable to concentrate on his recording studio business due to his wife’s memory loss dilemma, but, his colleague really supported well to boost him up. In the meanwhile, Paige came out of the house to visit Cafe Mnemonic to regain some of her memories. But, she lost her way. Luckily, she made a call to her mom to reach home safely. Both Leo and Paige were invited for the dinner. The owner of the recording studio got humiliated to a certain extent, but, Paige’s younger sister liked his simplistic attitude.

For her sister’s wedding ceremony, she stayed at her parent’s house. Leo capitalized on the situation to start their romantic story from the scratch again. Both Leo and Paige had a nice bath on the cold waters of the lake. Paige didn’t forget her high school friends. In a party, Leo was feeling bored whereas Paige was having a gala time with her friends. Jeremy pinched some salts on Leo’s wounds. Out of frustration, Leo gifted a boxing punch to Jeremy. Later on, Leo realized that he failed in his task and hence signed the divorce paper.

Bill had an illegal sexual relationship with his daughter’s friend. It was too unbearable for Paige that her dad had an extra-marital affair with her friend. Now, Paige understood why she left her parents. Even, while listening to the lectures in the Law School, she was busy in making sketches of different sculptures. The Art student never liked the subject of Law. Rita could have also left her hubby, but, she still remained in the family to take care of her sweet daughters. She forgave her hubby for one little mistake and adjusted well.

Paige was not regaining her memories, but, she was getting the answers of several questions which she asked to himself. On the other hand, Jeremy tried again to get back Paige in his life. Paige was not at all interested in Jeremy anymore. Paige decided to leave the Law School again and bought an apartment in her own name. Leo adjusted with the change in his life. Now, the little cat became his good friend. It was a snow day for Cafe Mnemonic, but on that day, both Leo and Paige again met each other to continue “THE VOW”.