Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Chase that biker as he tried to broke into a satellite research centre. Oh! Sean! You are lucky enough that your stepfather has too many friends who are cops. Who the hell has sent a signal from an unknown place through a satellite? While in Navy, Hank used to break all intelligent codes. This time, he broke the riddle and combined the maps to find the location of Palau in South Pacific Ocean. Stevenson wrote Treasure Island; Swift wrote Gulliver Travels and Jules Verne wrote about an island. Basically, three authors wrote about the same island. 

No one in Palau was interested in going towards that island. Only Gabato and his daughter, Kailani accepted the offer and that too for 3000 USD. Due to that horrible hurricane, the helicopter crashed. Oh! What an island it is? Elephants are too small and the butterflies are big in size. In that particular island, all the big animals of the Planet Earth are smaller in size and all the small animals of the Planet Earth are bigger in size. All of you go to sleep tonight. Tomorrow, there is a lovely surprise for you. The very next morning, they went to see the lost kingdom of Atlantis. 

After 140 years, the kingdom of Atlantis floats above the water surface and it again gets submerged under the water after another 140 years and the cycle of 140 years goes on. But, in reality, the 140 years cycle is not valid at all. Hank found too much salt water on that kingdom and he also predicted that the Atlantis may get submerged too quickly than it was expected to be. The Captain Nemo’s submarine was kept at the other side of the island. To reach the other side of the island, they took the shortest and difficult way. Bees were too large for them. That’s why; they had a great flying ride on the big bees.

Big birds attacked those bees, but they survived. Kailani was falling down, but, Sean saved her at the right time. Let us take some rest. The very next day, the condition worsened. Maybe, this island may sink within the next 2 hours. Gabato went to worship the mountain of Gods! Kailani and Alexander started searching for Gabato. Sean and his stepfather had some hard work to do. They found the submarine, but, there was no power in it. Electric Eel fish had natural electricity in its body. Hank took a harpoon and executed the plan well to get electricity for the Nemo’s submarine.

Gabato was amazed to see a Golden rock. My Goodness! Gabato was trying to lift up that rock from the soil. Oh!  First you need to remain alive and then only you can think about the Gold. Gabato got convinced and he tried hard to get out of that island. But, the island started sinking too fast. Were Gabato, Alexander and Kailani lucky enough to get into that Nemo’s submarine? Did Hank use any torpedo while travelling inside that submarine? Was Mr. Anderson impressed with the 2nd hubby of his daughter-in-law? Did Kailani appreciate Sean’s love towards her? Did they return alive after the “JOURNEY 2: THE MYSTERIOUS ISLAND”?

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