Sunday, August 12, 2012


In the 19th century, China was going through turmoil both economically and politically. At that time, China had the cheapest laborers of the world. The Europeans and the Americans started building their trade centers in the coastal areas of South-West China and the Southeast Asian nations. The Americans started selling guns, gunpowders, and cheap American products to the Chinese people. Very soon, the Chinese were forgetting their traditional culture and even the Chinese Martial Arts.

Kai Wong Fie Hung understood the ploy of the White men. Mr. Wong formed his own militia and taught them all the techniques of Chinese Martial Arts. Wong had his own clinic where all the poor Chinese people used to get medical treatment at a cheaper cost. In that area, a local goon named Tong used to collect money from the small traders and businesspersons forcefully. Everyone in that area was scared of Tong and his men.

Wong decided to meet General Wilchen at the Pearl River to discuss about the reasons of the protests against the American Embassy in China. Wing, the brother of Wong tried to save a small trader from Tong and his men. In that process, the fight began between the people of the Wong and the Tong. The street fight continued and reached the Pearl River too. The American Generals were very unhappy with Wong and his people. 

Americans installed several agents in poor towns of China. Those agents used to tell those Chinese people that there were too much gold in America. Many Chinese got provoked and they gave 300 golden dollars to those agents as a part of security money for getting a job in America to earn more money. However, the reality was something else. Those who went to America for jobs never came back. As per the job contract, whenever anyone tried to escape from America, he was murdered. 

Mr. Jackson, the leader of these fake American agents was eager to kill Mr. Wong. Tong joined hands with Wong. Cousin Yee fell in love with Wong. That’s why; Yee was not in a mood to leave Wong. They were cousin by marriage not by blood. Cousin Yee wanted to make a Western Suit for Wong. A man escaped from an American Boat to reach China and he told Wong about the pathetic conditions of the Chinese people in America. 

Tong and his men attacked the Wong’s clinic and totally devastated it. Mr. Jackson invited Wong to watch a theater. The real plan was to kill Wong. Wong survived, but, the escaped Chinese man from America was murdered. In the meanwhile, a new warrior emerged in the town whose name was Master Yim. Foon acted as a traitor. To become famous among the Chinese people, Yim challenged Wong. Wong was under-arrest as per the orders of the Magistrate.

The Americans kidnapped Cousin Yee and wanted to put her in the flesh trade. The Chinese Cops were patriotic in nature. Therefore, the Head Cop released Wong and his men from the jail to allow them to save the poor Chinese people. Were Wong and his militia successful in wiping out the Americans from that town? To know whether the Chinese people regained their traditional prestige and fame of their motherland or not; you have to watch the film, “ONCE UPON A TIME IN CHINA.”

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