'Social media is brutal, they can eat you alive.' 'One little swipe can change your life forever.' 'We all are looking for a diamond in the rough.' It's a match ! The 'Google Search' has become a tool to do research ! Cecilie flew in a private jet and also shared the same bed. Was there really anyone who tried to kill the son of Mr. Lev Leviev ? There was a news headlines regarding an Israeli multimillionaire ! Out of love for her honey, she kept on supplying the money. A summer tour with Polina and Pernilla !
Cecilie got employed in LLD diamonds ! '2,50,000 dollars really means a lot.' The amount written on the cheque was 5,00,000 dollars ! 'He was no more a boyfriend !' The contact has been blocked, but, a voice message came in at the landline phone in Oslo. The 'Amex' loan recovery officers confirmed that he is that same guy. 'Not all Israeli men are crooks ! After going to Tel Aviv, they came to know about 3 Finnish girls. 'He also took me to a five star hotel on the first date.'
Pernilla and Cecilie became good friends to fight back together. The Interpol stepped in. Ayleen read the article. The cases were compared and the plan of execution were found to be exactly similar. 'Peter is down !' 1,40,000 dollars got wasted. 'That reality was terrifying.' The Dutch girl made a master plan. A credit card in the name of David Sharon ! 'Now it's time to do the impossible possible !' Selling ! Selling and Selling ! So many voice messages came in to have an idea of different characters of the same person.
'The Prince of diamonds to this homeless King !' The Interpol arrested the culprit. 'I needed justice for myself.' Polina broke up at the right time but the other three are still paying off their debts. Cecilie is still single ! 'I am still looking for love'. Currently, his girlfriend is an Israeli model. The spies, detectives and intelligence officers had to step in to this world of 'love, lust and lies' to keep track of all the key players of all the 'Honeytrap networks' and of course, "THE TINDER SWINDLER".