Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Global recession was really an awful scenario for the wage earners or workers of several factories of manufacturing firms. Unemployment was on rise. Capitalism stepped in. Rich became richer and poor became poorer. As a net result, the common people felt the need of communism in their society. Many unemployed people joined the communist parties to protest against their respective government. The frequent street protests by the unemployed people became a natural activity at that time.

A man got well-groomed and then he started working as a worker of a steel factory. He was given the task to tighten the screws. He had such a hilarious screw-tightening skills that the management of the steel factory decided to send him to the jail. Inside the jail, there was no room for comfort at all. Nose powders and salts were whitish in color. But, the overdose of nose powder helped him to create a good impression on the jailor. After a few days, the Sheriff of Boulevard released him with a special reference letter.

There was unemployment everywhere. Unemployed people were not even getting to eat meals twice a day. In that scenario, prisoners were the lucky ones as they were enjoying breakfast, lunch, supper and dinner inside the jail. He felt himself unlucky after getting released from jail. On the other hand, there was a family of three sisters who lost their mother. Their father was also an unemployed person who died in the street protest. As per the existing laws of that nation, every orphan had to be taken care of by the government. The eldest sister fled.

The funny man got a job in the dock by showing the reference letter that was given to him by the Sheriff of Boulevard. The ship got released and he lost that job. The poor lady stole bread and got collided with the legend of comedy. The man took the blame of stealing that bread on himself, but a few moments later, the witness cleared the doubt. The cops started running after the poor lady. The poor lady fled again. The man became determined to go back to jail. He had a meal and smoked some costly cigarettes in front of a cop. What an idea!

Inside the police van, the man was always sitting on the lap of a middle-aged, fat, dark-skinned woman. Wow! The poor lady also boarded the police van. Both of them became friends inside that police van. The driver of that police van did some blunder and it allowed the poor lady and the funny man to escape from the spot. Slowly and steadily, they became love-birds. Both of them started dreaming about a nice house where they would live together and enjoy delicious meals. The day dreaming moment was very short-lived as the cop arrested him.

The funny man came out of the jail and got a nice hug from her sweetheart. She took him to a desolate house. What a house it was! The house was a solid carbon copy of a house made of a pack of cards. He was too determined to get a work somewhere. The night watchman of a store broke his leg. The Comedy Emperor got the job. In the Toy Store, he enjoyed the rolling ride, though lucky enough to keep himself safe from that danger zone. In the bedding zone, the sweet lady went to sleep on a very comfortable spongy bed.

On that very night, some burglars stepped inside the store. The night watchman tried to stop them from burgling, but, alas, he got beaten up and a drum of rum got leaked. One of the burglars was the ex-colleague of the night watchman. That burglar had a warm handshake with the little man. The burglars had a gala time at dinner time with some foods and several cups of rums. In the next morning, the night watchman got arrested by the cops again. In the meanwhile, the poor lady started dancing in the streets to earn some money for her living.

The owner of a bar discovered the talent of the street dancer. Very next day, the bar owner recruited that street dancer as a bar dancer of that bar. All the alcoholic animals started enjoying the dance of that beautiful lady on every night. The street dancer requested the bar owner to give a job to her boyfriend. The newly recruited waiter finally served the duck roast and then entertained everyone with his unique style of dance while singing a song. The cops entered inside the bar to arrest the orphan lady. But, again she fled, but, this time with him.

As per the newspaper headlines, the factories re-opened again. The mechanic got back to his work with an engineer to repair the levers and other parts of the machines inside the factory. Both of them had a very tough time to handle the machines. They had their lunch and that too in a very different style. When the machine started working, the workers again went for a fresh strike. Sometimes, too much communism was not so good either. Were those love-birds able to live happily as a happy and wealthy married couple in “MODERN TIMES”?

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