Sunday, September 9, 2012


On every Friday, Jack loved to play a special game with Frank. Jefferson Billings and Audrey Billings were not at all a very happy married couple. Frank started growing on Audrey’s minds. All the top notch officers of the narcotics department of Miami planned to have a conference regarding the rise of drug abuses in Miami. Jeff started disliking Frank as Audrey was becoming too friendly with him.

Gianni Chevini, the boss of all the drug rackets of Miami wanted to infuse a special contagious drug on Jack’s body. The moment Jack breathes out, the drug will have its effect on the other people. The ultimate plan was to kill Jefferson and his colleagues of narcotics department. Mr. Martin had to receive his French friend at the airport, but, Mrs. Billings ordered to take Jack for a medical check-up in the next morning at 9 AM.

Lola was at the reception desk of that doctor’s chamber. The doctors were fake doctors. Frank took some time to understand the entire drama but fought well to get out of that battle zone. Lola confirmed to Gianni that she had already implemented the Plan B. Lola hijacked the car. Audrey was helpless in that scenario. Jack got kidnapped. The cops were after Mr. Martin.

The drug was infused on Jack’s body. Frank got the antidote and infused it on Jack’s body to keep him alive. But, Mr. Chevini and his men had other master plans also. By hook or crook, they succeeded to target Jefferson with their deadly drugs. All the people fell ill after coming out of that conference room. Gianni decided to infuse the last antidote into his own body. The French old man hacked into the database to find out the address of Gianni.

Mr. Martin visited the Chevini’s den in the East Island of Miami. Lola got killed after some actions. Gianni escaped towards the Miami airport to take a private flight to Colombia. What a driving by Frank to reach the airport on time to go inside that plane. After some stylish actions, Gianni was handed over to the cops. The Billings family got completely cured due to that last antidote. Audrey gave a smiling respect to the flowers of “TRANSPORTER 2”.

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