Saturday, September 1, 2012


The business of ice-blocks was not at all a profitable business. That’s why; they used to infuse drugs inside those ice blocks. The management team of the factory used to earn more money by running that illegal business at the back-end. A new worker joined the factory. Unintentionally, one ice block broke one day, but, still no one got any clue of the real business. 

Wong and Chen went to meet the Manager after the working hours in the factory. Strange! Wong and Chen did not come back to their house. The factory workers became furious on the management people of that factory, but, it was of no use. The management people brain-washed the factory workers by saying that Wong and Chen may have fled somewhere with hot chicks or may have died by drinking too much alcohols.

Slowly and steadily, Cheng became too suspicious about the real business of the factory owner. The management team kept strict vigilance on Cheng. All the workers started gathering secret information from secret places of markets and bars about the actual secret business of the factory owner. After a few days, Hsiu never came back. Chow Mei started weeping as she was losing all her sweet brothers one by one.

On a dark night, Cheng entered the secret zone of the factory as he was not convinced with the stories told by the owner of the factory regarding the missing workers of the factory. In that secret room of the factory, Cheng found the dead bodies of all his colleagues inside the ice blocks. The son of the owner of the factory was following Cheng. Cheng killed those goons in that encounter. 

Cheng came back to his house to remove the stains of blood on his shirt, but, he found too much blood inside his house as all his room-mates were murdered and his beloved Chow Mei got kidnapped. Chow Mei was kept in a prison to utilize her later for flesh trade. Cheng entered the culprit’s zone to have the final encounter. Was that newly hired factory worker able to take the sweet revenge on behalf of all the factory workers to emerge as “THE BIG BOSS”?

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