Sunday, August 12, 2012


Greed of power was too blind for him to act as a traitor to get his father killed by Memnon in front of Mathayus, the last Akkadian. As per the norms of Akkadian people, if they had made a commitment, then they had to deliver that commitment till the last drop of their blood. Mathayus made the commitment to kill Memnon. On that night, the Memnon’s sorcerer saved the life of Mathayus by saying that Mathayus could not be killed by any weapons as it would have made the God of Omen angry. Memnon always used to believe his sorcerer as the sorcerer could see the future as she had the power of vision.

In the next morning, Mathayus woke up and saw his body under the sand. The fire compelled the deadly red ants to come out of their living places. The thief promised to save the last Akkadian on one condition. Mathayus promised that he would never kill the thief. The thief saved the life of Mathayus. The Akkadian headed towards the Gomorrah city. The little kid helped Mathayus to enter the Memnon’s dungeon. The scientist was busy in his research with those Chinese powders. That scientist was also angry on the cruel king, Memnon. That’s why; he helped the Akkadian to escape from the Memnon’s den.

Mathayus entered the Memnon’s harem where all the lady-keeps of Memnon tried to kill him, but, he escaped by jumping into the bathing pool of Memnon’s sorcerer. The waters of bathing pool had a connection with the drainage system of the Gomorrah city. Mathayus kidnapped the Memnon’s sorcerer and went out of the Gomorrah city. The thief was stunned to hear that they were going to the Valley of the Dead, a place from where nobody came back alive. Memnon sent his warriors to the Valley of the Dead but they failed to kill the Akkadian.

Just a few kilometers away from the Valley of the Dead, there was a tribal village which was ruled by Balthazar. Balthazar had a fight with Mathayus, but, later on, the Akkadian convinced all the tribal people that he would stand against the cruel Memnon. All the tribal people decided to form a rebel force against Memnon. Slowly and steadily, the Memnon’s sorcerer fell in love with the Akkadian but she saw in her vision that Mathayus was going to be killed by Memnon. In the deadly battle of Memnon Vs Mathayus, who emerged as the winner in the Hollywood film, “THE SCORPION KING”?

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