Sunday, August 5, 2012


As per the rules and regulations of the Ministry of Magic, students of any wizard school were not allowed to perform magic against anyone outside the school campus. Cormelius, the Chief of the Ministry of Magic sent Professor Umbridge to the school of Hogwarts to teach the subject of ‘Defense against Dark Arts.’ In the meanwhile, Voldemort was back. The people of a secret group knew about it and were discussing about the reasons for the return of Lord Voldemort. Harry visited the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix. Sirius left his house at a very young age. Sirius gifted his house to Albus Dumbledore to make it the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix. 

The legal proceedings were on. Professor Dumbledore requested the Judge to consider the young age of the accused boy. After taking a poll, The Judge found that majority of the people sitting inside the court was in favor of setting Mr.Potter free of all charges against him. Luna was as sane as Harry as both of them were able to see the Thestrals. Professor Umbridge changed the entire style of education in the Hogwarts school of Wizardry. She prohibited any magical spells inside the school campus. Hence, in that process, all the students were not learning any magical skills to defend themselves from the Dark Arts. Sirius gave the secret information that Lord Voldemort is trying to create his own force.

All the Gryffindor students decided to learn about wizardry in a secret place to prepare themselves to form Dumbledore’s army. Harry became their teacher. They all learned the magical skills by uttering; Expelliarmus, Stupefy, Reducto, Diminendo, Mistletoe, etc. Filch was busy in putting new notice boards on the wall. Professor Umbridge insulted Professor Trelawney and sacked her. Professor McGonagall came to the rescue. Professor Dumbledore did not allow Professor Umbridge to banish Professor Trelawney. After the death of Cedric’s death, Cho was very depressed. Mr. Potter consoled her with a lovely deep kiss. Potter saved Mr. Weasley. Mr. Weasley and his family members gave a good cheer to Harry at the Christmas party. 

Professor Umbridge, Malfoy, Filch and other Slytherin students came to know about the secret training sessions. Professor Dumbledore took all the allegations and charges on his shoulder to safeguard Harry. Cormelius wanted to put Albus behind the bars of Azkaban prison, but, Professor Dumbledore always had his own style. The Ministry of Magic decided to bring a new education reform for all the schools of wizardry. Hagrid, who was on a temporary leave, feared of getting sacked as Professor Umbridge became the Headmistress of the School of Hogwarts. Hagrid introduced his brother, Grawpy to Harry and Hermione. Potter was still getting criticized for killing a Basilisk with the sword of Albus Dumbledore. 

Some dangerous prisoners fled from the prison of Azkaban. Centaurs panicked a lot. Hagrid warned Harry that a storm was coming. Fred and George played some tricks. All the students were giving the exam. Professor Umbridge opened the door and then it was the festival of lights and fire-works as if a Diwali festival was going on. Professor Snape knew that there was a connection between the minds of Harry Potter and that of the Dark Lord. Snape tried to find out about the Dark Lord’s thoughts through Harry’s minds by uttering legilimens. Snape failed to succeed in it. Harry’s friends also decided to go to London to visit the Department of Mysteries. Lord Voldemort wanted to attain prophecy. 

Harry and his friends applied some magical skills by uttering; Expecto Patronum, Alohomore, Stupefy, Bombarda Maxima and Reducto to get out of that Department of Mysteries. Tom came back again to suck out the energy of Harry. The lady prisoner of Azkaban killed Sirius by uttering the magic word, Avada Kedavra. Harry ran after her to take the revenge. Professor Dumbledore came in to the rescue act. The minister of Ministry of Magic resigned. Jane Umbridge got sacked from the school of Hogwarts. Professor Dumbledore became the Principal of that school again. As per the law of prophecy, either Harry Potter or Lord Voldemort will survive. Was that the only message in “HARRY POTTER AND THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX?”

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