Saturday, October 6, 2012


A Black President of USA was assassinated. Sometimes, unnecessary civil wars bring curse to every sphere of human society. John Wilkes Booth’s diary was an important diary because some Playfair Ciphers were written on it. Generally, Chinese people were expert in creating good puzzle boxes in those times. Peter witnessed the death of his grandfather Charles. The debt all men pay is death. Who was Dr. Laboulaye? These twins stand resolute. One table was at the Buckingham Palace and the other was at the Oval House. Riley’s Ferrari got seized. Who was the real author of, ‘The Templar Treasure’? Abigail did her role-play well to help Gates and Poole enter inside the restricted area of Buckingham Palace. Mitch snatched the object from them. As per the viewpoints of the Professor of University of Maryland, it was a symbol of Cibola. Was Eagle considered to be a Noble Bird? Abigail was dating with a guy, Connor. They planned to visit the White House.

Connor helped them to enter inside the Oval House on the evening of White House Easter egg Roll party. The Eagle clutching the scroll was the symbol of President’s Secret Book. The secret book has passed on from one US President to the other. On the President’s birthday, they were talking about Mount Vernon. Then they started exploring a secret tunnel. What was so special about page 47 of that secret book? The entered the library of Congress. The code number was 3794. At the book-shelf, there was a 6 lock combination. Maybe, that’s why; the President told him about XY 234786. Mr. Wilkinson burned the letter that was sent to Albert Pike by Queen Elizabeth. Beyond the Mount Rushmore, there was an island of stone. Did they succeed in finding the City of Gold of Pre-Columbian history written in Olmec language? What happened to Mitch? Was Ben released later? Did Gates get some relief? To know the answers, you have to explore “NATIONAL TREASURE: BOOK OF SECRETS”.

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