Thursday, August 9, 2012


To develop a video game, you need to create characters. To create characters, you need to write application programs based on artificial intelligence and neural networks. After creating several such programs, Kevin decided to develop a Grid on which the programs could fight against each other. Kevin created Codified Likeness Utility (CLU). CLU was the mother program which included all the sub-modules of other similar programs through some function () calls. In the CLU System, all the programs had to behave in a similar fashion. Alan knew about this master plan. So, to stop the programs from ruling the world, he created a coded self-functional program which would fight for the users. The name of that program was Tron. In the CLU system, each program had an identity disk. Each program was able to decide its own fate by uttering the commands; Rectify, Erase Me, Games, etc.  Alan captured the CLU system and modified the program, Tron!

The share price of the Encom Company started falling as Kevin Flynn was missing from his own house. Kevin always wanted to gift a free operating system to the Users, but, Alan Bradley, Richard Mackay and Edward Dilinger had some different plans. They were more inclined to launch the Operating System, OS-12 under the copyright of Encom Company. Sam installed some buggers and hence the Encom Company failed to launch their product OS-12 despite getting listed in Nikkei Stock Exchange. Sam visited the house, Flynn’s. There he started experimenting. The user entered the den of programs. The instruction was only to survive in the disc wars. Combatant 3 fought well against all his competitors except Rinzler. The user failed to give his identity as he was playing the game as a user, not as a program. 

In the 2nd round, it was a lightning bike race. Something was fishy in that race. Alan tried to kill Sam, but, the last ISO (Isotopic Algorithms) saved him. Quorra took him to Kevin’s den. The father was delighted to see his son after so many years. Alan was still unable to crack the riddles of the Kevin’s Grid. To solve those riddles, Alan was targeting the identity disk of Kevin as it was the master-key to establish the full dominance of programs only; on the portal. Long time back, Kevin was totally cornered by Alan and its programs of CLU system, but, luckily, Kevin got some Isotopic Algorithms who fought for him like real warriors. After the purge, all the black guards of CLU started killing the ISOs. Only Quorra survived. Quorra was too grateful to the creator of CLU. It was Alan who sent a page to Sam to tempt him to enter into the system.

Kevin wanted to sit quietly without playing any games, but, Alan had its own ploy. Quorra requested Sam to take the help of Zuse who used to fight against the ISOs. Zuse was too greedy to get some power and control of the space. That’s why; Zuse tried to kill Sam. Quorra came to the rescue act followed by Kevin. Zuse got hold of the identity disc of the creator. Alan completed the deal with Zuse to take that special disc. Quorra was too injured. Kevin tried hard to re-integrate its body. Isotopic Algorithms had a very complex set of instructions and there were too many hidden function() calls which were linked to important sub-modules by declaring dummy variables which used to store different unique random numbers in every function() call. Kevin had a tough time to identify and repair the bad sectors of Quorra’s injured part and Quorra got rebooted. 

Sam and Quorra fell in love with each other. Kevin understood it and was feeling very happy about it. Alan placed the Kevin’s identity disc in the main server of the portal to make a perfect system, in which, not a single user could ever dominate on the programs of CLU. Kevin, Sam and Quorra took some other routes to reach the portal. Sam got back that master disc. Kevin got surprised to see the Tron. Actually, Alan modified the program, Tron to make it a slave of the programs. Tron re-checked itself by rebooting and then he got the instruction that he was developed to fight for the users only. Basically, Tron is a programming concept which would protect the users from the deadly programs. Tron, the program got killed by the leader of CLU, but, Sam Flynn, the human Tron was still alive. Kevin sacrificed his life to save his son and requested Sam to take Quorra with him. Sam Flynn now decided to become the CEO of Encom Company. Alan Bradley got surprised but he was truly helpless in front of “TRON: LEGACY”.

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