Tuesday, October 2, 2012


A precious object was stolen from Lanzhau village of China. A robbery took place in the Bank of England. Phileas got a new valet, though not a French one. Phileas always believed in the power of Physics and suggested everyone that humans can easily cross the speed limit of 50 miles per hour. Lord Kelvin, the Head of the Royal Academy of Science was too jealous of Phileas and gave him a challenge for 10,000 pounds. Passportout decided to go for the journey to reach his village as early as possible by the shortest route. The journey started. In those times, all the carts were mandated to be pulled by horses or other quadruped animals like horses. Passportout and Fogg stole the cop’s cart and headed towards the Central Station. 

On Day 2, they reached Paris to get introduced to an eccentric painter, Monique la Roche. The other robbers recognized the bank robber. After some funny actions, three of them boarded a gas balloon to reach Munich. While sitting inside a compartment of Orient Express, Phileas requested the beautiful lady to get down at Constantinople, but, the lady declined that request. Lau Xing gave his detailed introduction to Roche. It was their 10th day of journey; the train stopped at Istanbul. Prince Hapi admired the beauty of Monique so much as if he felt that he was seeing the Aphrodite on Earth. Who the hell wants to become the 7th wife of that Prince? They broke the statue and ran away from there to reach India.

Somehow, the British Intelligence got the information that they can be found in Agra. Inside the train compartment, Passportout told the story of 10 Tigers under Wong Fei Hung. Fang was the leader of Black Scorpions. Fogg got a nice kiss from Monique. Both Passportout and Phileas managed to escape from Agra by dressing like women. Inspector Fix got fixed again, but, this time inside a latrine. They crossed the Himalayas to reach China. Everyone in the Lanzhau village was so happy to see Lau Xing back. The bank robber handed over the Jade Buddha to Hung. They spent too much time in China because of those Black Scorpions.  The Ten Tigers recovered back well. Beware of the Chinese Warlord!

Phileas decided to go for the journey alone. For the sake of friendship, both Monique and Lau followed him. Fogg crossed the Pacific Ocean. A beautiful lady stole the big wallet of Fogg. Fogg became a beggar in San Francisco. La Roche and Xing found their friend. They headed towards Pacific Railroad Station. In the 66th day, they were in a desert of North America. Wilber and Orville recognized Phileas as he was constantly doing a research to construct a flying machine. The Wright Brothers got some idea about how to construct a glider to travel around the world. Point to be noted that the world is round. So, keep on travelling. On the 72nd day of their journey, they reached New York to board a ship.

The Captain of the ship felt honored because Phileas boarded the ship along with his friends. The ship stopped at the middle of the Atlantic Ocean on the 73rd day. When the chips are down, an intelligent person always comes out with some weird ideas. With some of the wooden body parts of the ship, the crew members of the ship constructed a flying machine. Just 5 hours 54 minutes was remaining for the 12 noon of the 80th day of their journey that the flying machine took off from the ship. Why Xing kept Fogg’s watch 1 hour faster? Do you lose or gain time after crossing the International Date Line? Was Phileas successful in winning the wager against Lord Kelvin after travelling “AROUND THE WORLD IN 80 DAYS”?

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