Tuesday, October 2, 2012


The single mother of two kids was requested by her boss to do some acting in front of his girlfriend. Palmer always tried to find out why their married life did not work out well. Slowly and steadily, Danny had to introduce Kiki Dee and Bart. Both Maggie and Michael made sure that their conditions get fulfilled by the Plastic Surgeon. To swim with the dolphins, one must learn swimming. Danny and Dolph taught swimming to Michael. Both his girlfriend and personal assistant got impressed on him. Before Palmer could doubt why two women have the same name, ‘Devlin’; Dolph took her into the swimming pool.

Devlin invited both Katherine and Danny for dinner. Katherine made sure that Dolph went to dinner with Palmer. Flirting is good but sometimes a gentleman falls in love while flirting also. After winning that Coconut Smooching Dance, Danny’s heart melted towards Katherine. Before Danny could decide about his better half, Palmer decided to marry him on the next day. Katherine felt depressed and told the brutal truth to Devlin. Danny heard everything. Unlike Palmer, Katherine’s age was not 23, but still she was the unique Katherine to Danny. If you find a girl who truly loves you, then, “JUST GO WITH IT”.

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