Tuesday, October 2, 2012


How dare you travel in the 1st class compartment of our Central South African Railways? Throw him out of this train. After such a type of humiliation, the Barrister understood the poor and helpless condition of the Blacks in South Africa. Mohandas started the peaceful revolution against the Whites. Hindus, Sikhs and Muslims of Indian community joined him. The British passes got burned. Even the miners of South Africa started protesting against racism. The news spread to England. General Smuts got too much worried. General Smuts found it very hard to crack this Indian. Finally, the South African government under the British Colonial Rule decided to give the status of equal citizenship to all the Blacks of South Africa. The so-called Kaffirs succeeded in achieving some dignity and social status in South Africa. The Indian, though dressed like a coolie got a good guard of honor from the South African government. Back in India, he was received by Nehru and Patel. The clergyman Charlie also came back to India. To know India and its diverse cultures, one has to travel all around India. Karamchand began his journey. After so many observations, he came to the conclusion that the British people are too cruel for the villagers. He felt a need to unite and awake the villagers of 7 lakhs villages all around India for the Independence of their motherland. Jinnah had his own plan at the back-end. That’s why; Jinnah was always pressing hard for a home rule movement. Karamchand got a huge support in Champaran and his arrest added more fuel to the fire. The fighting style with the principle of non-violence impressed many people in the Western nations too. British students started writing essays on this Indian leader. Winston Churchill called him a half naked fakir. Why should you wear the clothes that come from Manchester or Leeds? Wear only those cotton clothes which are woven in India itself. All British clothes were burned.

The Non Co-operation Movement started shaking the British Empire in India. In many places, the Indians started killing the British policemen. General Dyer was responsible for the Jalianwalabagh massacre. Some Indian sea beaches are the natural manufacturing zones of salt. Too much sale of Indian salts by the Indian traders could revive the Indian economy. That’s why; all the Indian traders and buyers of salts got arrested. The war between Japan and America was about to end. Germany was looking too much exhausted at that time. Jinnah, Patel and Maulana suggested Karamchand to plea for the Independence of India. Ramsay McDonald invited Bapu for the Round Table Conference in England regarding the possibility of India’s Independence. Mahatma started his journey towards England from Bombay Port on the S.S. Rajputana ship. As per the British Empire which always believed in Divide & Rule policy, there were so many India; India for Hindus, India for Muslims and India for Princely States. The British Empire agreed upon the India’s Independence, but, the Muslim League leaders wanted a separate nation for Muslims. To make it a big issue, Jinnah’s supporters started unnecessary communal riots against the Hindus. Bapu requested Jinnah to stop all these nuisances. Karamchand was even ready to make Jinnah the 1st Prime Minister of India with as many as Muslim representatives in the cabinet ministry. Jawaharlal was not so friendly with Subhash Chandra Bose, but, he was a Hindu by birth. When Nehru and Sardar realized that Karamchand was trying to give too much facility to Muslims, they favored the idea of wiping out the Muslims from India and hence supported the formation of Pakistan. Both India and Pakistan got their independence in 1947. The British Empire knew it very well that before quitting India; they have sown the seeds of communalism on Indian soils. 

The partition of India was not at all a solution but a mother of so many communal related problems. Questions were raised from several fronts that why a great figure like Mahatma agreed to that proposal of partition of India. Had Mohandas waited for another one year more, India could have got an undivided India! Jinnah surely blackmailed Bapu that there would be a civil war between Hindus and Muslims if no partition takes place. But, the irony is that after the partition of India, there was really a civil war between Pakistani Hindus and Indian Muslims. Hindus of Pakistan were kicked out of Pakistan and the Muslims of India were kicked out of India. So, that anger of partition fuelled the riots of Hindus and Muslims both in India and Pakistan. Even after getting a separate Muslim nation, the Pakistani Muslim League started their campaign to conquer all the Princely States of Kashmir. Fresh riots started in many parts of India. Calcutta was becoming a deadly zone of riots. Bapu started fasting till death with the condition that the riots should stop. The Hindus did not want to see Mahatma dying due to fasting. The Hindus promised to stop the riots. Muslims did not promise about stopping the riots. Moreover, too much friendship of Bapu with the Muslim Communal leader angered some Hindus. The Hindus of India somehow felt that the non-violent Mahatma became a coward victim in front of Jinnah’s well planned diplomacy. The matter became worse when Karamchand decided to visit Pakistan. The patriotic Hindus could not digest it. Many critics also stated that to safeguard himself from the conservative Hindus of India, he may have tried to hide himself in Pakistan. Whatever it may be, it was evident that after such a long journey, the half naked fakir was somewhat too tired. To forcefully rest his soul in peace, Nathuram Godse pulled the trigger. Fortunately, the words, ‘HEY RAM’ was uttered by “GANDHI”.

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