Saturday, October 20, 2012


Wake up! Po! What the hell are you dreaming about? Dad, I had a dream. Oh! You dreamt about noodles! That’s great! Po was unable to tell his father that he dreamt about becoming the most powerful Kung Fu warrior of China. Inside the Jade Palace, Master Oogway decided to choose the Dragon Warrior. Master Oogway is getting old. Every time, Master Oogway cannot save you all from the attacks of Tai Lung. Tai Lung was kept in a prison where 1000 rhinoceros acted as guards. Master Shifu told his Furious Five students to get ready for the competition. Master Shifu was damn sure that out of the tigress, the viper, the monkey, the crane and the bug, someone will surely become the Dragon Warrior. Tigress was in a most favorable position. Po also wanted to participate in that Kung Fu competition, but, alas, he was late by a few seconds. Po’s father was surprised to see some fire-crackers attached with Po’s body. Po told the truth that he loves Kung Fu. 

Master Oogway was impressed to see a warrior entering the Jade Palace with a flying stunt. Everyone was literally shocked to see that Po got selected as the Dragon Warrior by Master Oogway. Without any knowledge of Kung Fu, one cannot become a Dragon Warrior. Master Shifu tried his best to kick out Po from Jade Palace, but did not succeed. Po was also not learning anything about Kung Fu, rather he was just enjoying his lovely time inside the Jade Palace. Zeng acted as a messenger to give the news to Tai Lung that Master Oogway has elected a Dragon Warrior. After a few days, Tai Lung broke the prison. The news terrorized everyone in the Valley of Peace. The Tigress scolded Po for being not serious in his learning classes of Kung Fu. Once upon a time, Tai Lung was the favorite student of Master Shifu. But, as Tai Lung had a mentality of using power for wrong reasons, Master Oogway denied Tai Lung the Dragon Scroll of the Sacred Hall of Warriors. 

Master Shifu decided to teach Kung Fu to Po within a very short span. Tai Lung started his journey towards the Valley of Peace. Master Oogway took the self-retirement of his life to go to heaven. It was all upon Po now to kill Tai Lung who was hungry for that Dragon Scroll. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is mystery and today is present (gift), so just enjoy the present tense of your life. Master Shifu used some momos and other foods to motivate Po. The hunger in Po’s belly automatically compelled him to learn some tips and techniques of Kung Fu. Finally, when Po learned everything about Kung Fu, he was given the Dragon Scroll. As per the Chinese mythology, whosoever gets that Dragon Scroll can hear the butterfly wing’s flip and can even pass through darkness inside any cave. The goose never had any secret ingredient for cooking radish soup. To make something special, you have to believe that it is special. So was the case of this Dragon Scroll which was totally blank.

Tai Lung was approaching towards the Valley of Peace. The Valley got evacuated. The Furious Five Warriors planned to stop Tai Lung near the hanging bridge of the valley. The fight went on. The tigress, the viper, the crane, the monkey and Mantis, the bug tried their level best, but, Master Shifu did not teach them all the tricks of Kung Fu. Being a favorite student of Master Shifu, Tai Lung had the edge against the Furious Five. Tai Lung attacked Master Shifu. Master Shifu told that Dragon Scroll had been taken by the Dragon Warrior. Po and Tai Lung had a great fight. Everyone was feeling as if an earthquake was taking place on the Valley of Peace. Finally, Tai Lung got hold of the Dragon Scroll. When he opened the Dragon Scroll, he saw his own mirror image only. Po then told Tai Lung that if you believe, you are special then only you are special. Po applied the Wuxi Finger Hold technique to kill Tai Lung. Finally, Po’s dream came true as he became the “KUNG FU PANDA”.

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