Saturday, October 6, 2012


In the penguin society, mothers go for fishing and the fathers warm up the eggs. Memphis did some blunder with the egg. That’s why; his son Mumble was somewhat different from the others. Unique eggs are always unique; so, don’t blame their parents. Mumble went to school and felt humiliated on his very first day as he was unable to sing any heart-song. It is a shame for a penguin, if it cannot sing its heart-song. Each and every penguin always has its own heart-song. Everyone after graduation learned the art of catching a fish, but, Mumble did not. Mumble fell in love with Gloria, but, Gloria used to ignore his love towards her as he was somewhat not so a capable penguin. Mumble also had some enemies who did not like him. 

One day, an elephant seal attacked Mumble, but, Mumble survived. If God has given you some weakness, then surely he has provided you some strength also. That’s the law of nature, which has to be abided by the creator of the Universe also. Mumble was expert in dancing as his feet used to dance naturally. Due to his special dancing skills, many penguins became his friends and fans also. Some aliens were taking away all the fishes from in and around Antarctica. If penguins become extinct, then it will hamper the ecological balance of Antarctica. Even minor geographical or climatic changes in Antarctica always have its major impact on the rest of the world. 

Where were the fishes disappearing? To find out the reasons behind it, Mumble and his friends went to meet Lovelace. Lovelace saw some mystic beings and they always do the fishing near Antarctica to take away all the fishes. No one believed in Lovelace initially. At a later stage, Mumble was thrown out from his community. Gloria fell in love with Mumble. So, she also came out of her community to join Mumble. Whales attacked them. Mumble saved the life of Lovelace. One day, Mumble got too carried away and was very much determined to catch a fish by his own for the first time in his life. But, all the fishes were in the fishing net of the ship. To catch a fish from that fishing net was not so easy. He was found in a beach.

Everyone in Antarctica thought that Mumble was dead. Was he in paradise? No, not at all, though, it seemed like an artificial paradise as he used to get fishes without any struggle. Inside that aquarium, Mumble felt too lonely. When he got a fish in his mouth, he was thinking about his mom. After all, his mom always wanted to see him catch a fish by his own talents. Mumble saw a little girl staring at him with a depressed face from the other side of the glass. Mumble started dancing to make her smile. The little girl called everyone. The dance became so famous that the news reached Antarctica also. With a transmitter at his back, Mumble returned to Antarctica. 

Mumble’s mother was too happy to see him back home. Gloria did not react too much but felt very happy. Mumble started giving the tips to everyone about his unique style of dancing. Mumble’s enemies objected to it, but it was of no use. Memphis always used to remain depressed by thinking that due to his callousness towards the egg, his son Mumble took birth as a penguin, who was different from others. But, when Memphis saw his son back home after achieving so much love and respect from the people of USA, he felt too proud about it. The helicopter landed on Antarctica. Some humans came out of the helicopter. The penguins started dancing. What a dance it was indeed! 

The dance of the penguins was aired live on all the television channels of USA. Everyone enjoyed the live coverage of the Penguin Dance in USA. Several questions got raised in the international arena. Do you want to see a boom in the fishing business or the existence of penguins? Majority of them wanted to see the penguins only. Stop fishing in and around Antarctica, otherwise, the species of penguins will become extinct. Many fishermen and fishing business units objected to it, but for the sake of business, you cannot humiliate the Mother Nature. Fishing got banned in Antarctica. Gloria married Mumble. The entire Penguin Community lived happily ever after and kept on dancing with their “HAPPY FEET”.

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