Tuesday, July 23, 2013


What actually happens in Mars? Oh! Come on! You are dreaming too much nowadays. Who erased Hauser’s memory and why? Sir! Would you like to have a trip to Mars? Don’t worry! It will just be a simulated vacation but still you will enjoy it. Something went wrong in Rekall Travel Agency. That’s why; they erased Doug’s memory and made him sit on a Johnny Cab. The King of Mars wanted to kill that bloody rock-cutter. Tie a wet towel on your head to disallow them to track you. Mr. Quaid opened that briefcase to have a rough idea about Hauser. Wow! Mr. Quaid got a new hologram. Basically, in Mars, there is no oxygen. That’s why; an American agency created a research centre to manufacture artificial oxygen. That agency also created a fully covered artificial city at Mars where humans started settling. But, to breath oxygen, those humans had to pay taxes or fees. In Mars, a mutant species emerged due to the hybrid combination of humans of planets and the organisms of Mars. Those mutants wanted to end the cruelty of Cohaagen. That’s why; Cohaagen used to call those mutants as terrorists of Mars. Kuato was the leader of mutants. 

Oh! Darling, you are still dreaming. I am Richter’s wife only. Look at that brunette and sleazy girl. You ordered that type of a girl in Rekall. Dr. Edgemer was trying to fool Douglas. Both Dr. Edgemer and Lori got killed. Richter and his men became more desperate to kill Douglas. Benny, a cab driver played a trick and hence Kuato succeeded in having a meeting with Doug and Melina. Both Benny and Kuato were mutants. Mutants wanted freedom of Mars from that cruel Cohaagen. Kuato read Doug’s mind. Richter attacked at Kuato’s den. Kuato told a secret about that reactor to Mr. Quaid. Where is that bloody Douglas? Unless, he surrenders to me, I will not release any more oxygen to the closed city of Mars. The fight was on. Both Richter and Kuato died. Somehow, a portion of the reactor got opened. But, the love-birds succeeded in starting the reactor to release huge amount of oxygen in the atmosphere of Mars planet. Cohaagen died on the rocky surface of Mars. All the living beings of Mars were happy after seeing a blue sky and lots of oxygen in that atmosphere of Mars. Hey! Doug! You are deep kissing Melina but are you now having a “TOTAL RECALL”?

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