Friday, July 12, 2013


Hey, Santa Claus, do you really exist on this Planet Earth or is it just a fairy tale? Like other little children, the little British girl, Gwen also believed in Santa Claus. That’s why; she sent a request to Santa Claus regarding a pink coloured bike as a Christmas gift. Malcolm’s elder son brought modernization in everything. Steve and his elves covered almost all the nations of the world to deliver gifts to little kids on the night of Christmas Eve. Before the sun rises in the East on the Christmas Day, all the kids should get a gift from Santa Claus.

Oops! A boy woke up when the elves were busy in dropping the gifts at that boy’s house. But, the elves controlled the situation well. In that process, one gift got sidelined. After completing the delivery of gifts, Steve took the credit all by himself. Malcolm was not in a mood to retire. Malcolm’s father always criticized about too much modernization of the Sleigh by using modern electronic gadgets. Bryony triggered an alarm when a gift remained undelivered. Arthur, who used to receive all the mails, felt sad for Gwen.

Grand-Santa had an idea. He started a ride on his traditional Sleigh with the reindeer. With the help of magic dust, the Sleigh could fly in the sky. They entered Toronto wrongly. After that, they landed in Tanzania to get some bad treatment from the African Lions. Later on, Arthur went to a wrong place at Mexico where the kid already got a Christmas gift. Both Margaret and Malcolm became too concerned about Arthur and Grand-Santa. As the Sleigh got crashed, Arthur decided to cross the Atlantic Ocean by boat.

In the meanwhile, Margaret and Malcolm started the engine of Modern S-1 Sleigh. Steve entered inside it and felt disheartened after knowing that his parents were too much supportive and emotional towards Arthur. Reindeer are hard animals. They kept on running with the Sleigh in a straight line in the sky. With the help of magic dust, Arthur went up in the sky to control the old Sleigh. But, the American helicopters thought that some aliens have entered inside the Planet Earth. That’s why; the old Sleigh got destroyed. 

With the help of a parachute, Arthur landed on Trelew of England. He rode on the bicycle to reach the destination near the Church of Trelew. After so much actions, finally; Grand-Santa, Malcolm, Steve and Arthur reached Gwen’s house. The little girl woke up and followed the red ribbon. Whoa! Santa Claus gifted a pink coloured bike to her. Oh! Gwen was so happy. The elves of the North Pole felt proud about Arthur. Steve understood his mistake. Arthur became the new Santa Claus as it was the “ARTHUR CHRISTMAS”.

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