Monday, July 15, 2013


The three partners of a software company created an application program of a new Social Networking Site. As Skyler made a business deal with the Russians, the other two Software Developers became furious on him. Sometimes, a blog can help someone. Natalie got some help after reading Ben’s blog to know about some places in Moscow. They were partying in a pub. Point to be noted that the flight to Moscow suffered from short-circuit for a few seconds in the sky. You can enjoy Aurora-Borealis at Arctic Circle but not in Russia so often. The yellow coloured flames started transforming humans into ashes within a flash. Ben, Styler, Sean, Annie and Natalie took shelter inside a store room. But, for how many days, they could live inside that store room as they were feeling too hungry? Ben and Sean went near a cop’s car to get some resources. The dog’s death alarmed them. The aliens were scared of fire and were unable to see anyone behind a glass. But, the aliens were expert in tracking all types of electrical charges of this Planet Earth.

Their target was to reach the US Embassy building. They reached there and got the clue that the aliens were attacking other big cities of the world too. They saw someone in another building. Skyler started walking towards that building but got killed by aliens. Somehow, the four humans entered inside that building to meet Vika, a Russian survivor. Sergei, the electrical engineer created a Faraday Cage. Sergei even created a gun which emitted out Microwaves to weaken the electric fields of the aliens. Sad to say, actually, Sergei’s gun didn’t work at the right time. Hence, Sergei got killed. Even Annie turned into ashes. Their target was to board that submarine. The Russian military men became expert to tackle the aliens. Russian soldiers suggested the idea to take the metro subway to reach towards Moscow River. Alas, Ben died while trying to save Vika inside the Metro Rail subway. A few minutes later, they boarded on a boat, but, the collapse of that nearby building created chaos for them. Sean was not in a mood to leave Natalie behind. 

The captain of the submarine created more microwave guns with strong batteries. The Russian soldiers, Vika and Sean went to the spot from where Natalie gave a signal that she is still alive. Water integrates all the electrical charges into a single electrical charge. Aliens were not putting their steps forward on the water. Vika threw some bombs to create fire at that region. Hence, three aliens stepped on the water to have a single electrical charge. The Russian soldiers killed three aliens completely. Natalie was hiding inside the Electric Bus No. 19. An Alien attacked Natalie. Sean threw a broken portion of a dead alien towards the body of another alive alien to kill it. Russian soldiers were not in a mood to escape from Moscow in that submarine. Actually, it was their duty to protect Moscow from those aliens till the last drop of their blood. That’s why; the Russian soldiers stayed back in Moscow itself. Slowly and steadily, all the other cities started knowing the techniques to kill these electrical aliens to revive the Planet Earth from “THE DARKEST HOUR”.

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