Sunday, July 21, 2013


The man decided to move to Seattle. After 18 months of that incident, a girl declared about her engagement in Baltimore on the Christmas Eve. While driving the car, she was listening to the radio. A kid of 8 years old made a call to Marcia Fieldstone of America Network. The Radio Jockey cum psychologist requested Jonah to hand over the telephone line to his father. So, Sam, tell me something about your wife. Few years back, both Samuel and Margaret fell in love with each other to create some magical moments of romance in their life.

All the single women of United States started showing interest in the caller of that night from Seattle. Annie was about to marry Walter, but, somehow, that caller from Seattle stole her heart. Even the divorced female boss of that male architect started showing some interest in him. Sam got so many letters from all corners of United States. Sam was not in a mood to get married again. One day, Sam saw Jessica and Jonah playing together inside his house. If Jonah can have one girlfriend, then why can’t Samuel have one?

Victoria, can we go for a date? Becky understood very well that Annie’s heart had been stolen by Samuel, though, Annie was yet to see that guy from Seattle. Annie got the telephone number of Baldwin family from Marcia Fieldstone. She searched about Samuel of Chicago in the database. She gave an assignment to a private detective agency. Someone clicked the photo of Sam and Victoria while they were dining inside a restaurant. Jonah disliked Victoria. As per Sam’s opinion, Victoria had a mysterious character.

Annie landed at the airport. Samuel’s heart got clean bowled after seeing Annie, but, both were still strangers to each other. Hey Jonah! Do you like Victoria? No, I hate Victoria as she laughs like a Hyena. Oh! I still don’t know why the American women start weeping while discussing about the Hollywood movie, ‘An Affair to Remember’! Due to this particular Hollywood film, the State Empire Building of New York became famous. Love Birds never used to feel bore to visit the terrace of BOR (Building Of Romance).

Jonah, your dad is still dating Victoria! Wait! I will book a ticket for you. N.W. stands for No Way, but, Jessica said N.Y. Walter, I have to listen to my heart only. The State Empire Building displayed a heart symbol with red coloured lights. Maybe or maybe not, but, still, I need to go to that terrace. Ok! Lady! Please proceed towards the terrace. Is Carry Grant waiting for you there? Dad! I left my bag near the telescope at the terrace. After that evening of Valentine’s Day, was Samuel Baldwin still “SLEEPLESS IN SEATTLE”?

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