Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Suddenly, Jesus Christ became too concerned about a unique personality in London. The famous moneylender of London was a great miser too. He even refused to spend more money for his business partner cum friend’s funeral. Every year, all the people of London used to celebrate Christmas in a festive mood, except one man. Fred had some soft corner towards his uncle. That’s why; Fred came to his uncle’s house to invite him for the Christmas dinner, but, Mr. Scrooge straightaway rejected the offer. Sir, can I take a day off to celebrate Christmas with my family? Oho! The boss became angry on Mr. Cratchit. Two persons came to the office of Mr. Scrooge to raise some funds for the poor people of London, but, alas, Ebenezer didn’t even gave them a single penny as a token of Christmas Eve gift to the poor people of London.

Jesus Christ called for an important conference with all the spirits in heaven. As per the orders from Jesus Christ, all the spirits decided to teach a lesson to Ebenezer. Jacob Marley was made the leader of this mission. Mr. Scrooge saw a green coloured lively face on the door. He thought that maybe, he is having some kind of illusions. While eating, he saw some strange things. Then, after a while, came his friend, who died 7 years back. Look at me, Ebenezer; I have been chained completely because I was too greedy when I was alive. That’s why; my soul is now getting a severe punishment like a prisoner of heaven. Preach love and humanity throughout the world. Come out of that selfish minded nature. Enjoy Christmas and help others during Christmas. Ebenezer didn’t change his mind. That’s why; Marley gave a task to the three spirits. 

Who are you? Well, I am the Ghost of Past Tense. Mr. Scrooge, try to remember the cruelty of your dad. Can you ever forget your sister’s contribution towards you? You are still a good businessman but what about your personal life? You became so greedy towards money, that your beloved Belle gave you a release order from all bonds of love and romance with her. My job ends here. Now, the Ghost of Present Tense will tell you something. Oh! No! My nephew, Fred is laughing at me with others in the dinner party. Oh! Mr. Scrooge, you are being regarded as an animal of London. Why do you pay such a less salary to your employee at this age of inflation and recession? Bob’s son, Tiny Tim is suffering from a disease. Without proper treatment, Tiny Tim may die. Please raise Bob’s salary. Mr. Scrooge, always beware of ‘Ignorance’ and ‘Want’ of humans.

Heoooaaahaaa...Let me chase you with a horse cart because I am the Ghost of Future Tense. What! That old miser has died. Hurrah! No one showed any interest to attend the funeral party of Ebenezer. Ha ha, my uncle’s property will be inherited by me. My uncle kept on saving the money by acting as a miser, but, frankly speaking, I will enjoy all his money now as he is dead. He earned the money, but, I will enjoy it. See the fun! They wrapped that dead body with an expensive cloth but Mrs. Dilber took that cloth also from the dead body. Mrs. Dilber earned some money by selling all the clothes of late Mr. Scrooge. Due to poverty, Bob failed to provide good treatment to his son, Tiny Tim. As a result, Tiny Tim died. The entire Cratchit family started mourning. Ebenezer was born in 1786 but will die on the Christmas Day next year. 

While falling towards his coffin, he promised to celebrate Christmas in a gala fashion every year. Jesus Christ smiled cheekily as his mission was successful. The miser person learned a new definition of life. Merry Christmas, Mrs. Dilber. Come on; let us dance. Mrs. Dilber was totally surprised to see such a change in Ebenezer’s character. Hey! Boy! Buy a bird’s meat and deliver it at Bob’s house. Don’t worry; I will pay you. When you open your mind and heart to everyone, age is not at all a bar. Ebenezer felt as if he has become younger like a little school kid. Hello! Fred! Can I join you at this Christmas dinner? Whoa! Fred was the happiest man on earth to see his uncle at dinner. Hey! Bob! You are late by 16 minutes, but, don’t worry; your salary has been raised. Tim got cured and appreciated the blessing of God in “A CHRISTMAS CAROL”.

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