Sunday, July 14, 2013

300 !!!

Whenever a Spartan mother gave birth to a baby, that baby got checked by the Spartan doctors to detect any defect in the body of that baby. If it was a defective baby, then the baby was thrown into the sea. A Spartan boy had to leave his mother at the age of 7 years to get trained as a warrior. After the completion of the training, a Spartan boy was left in the woods alone to kill at least one wild animal. The Spartan boy succeeded in killing a wild wolf.

Leonidas became the King of Sparta. At that point of time, the Persians were ruling in the Middle East Asian region. The Persian King Xerxes had the hobby of making everyone his slave. Xerxes sent his messenger to Sparta to give an offer of slavery to King Leonidas. Spartans never surrender in front of their enemies. Oho! The messenger of King Xerxes wants earth and water. Let them die inside a big well. They will get plenty of earth and water there. The Spartans became aware of the fact that a bloody war was about to start.

Sparta had a council of several ministers and politicians. But, there was a problem with that Council. The Council always used to follow the tradition of listening to the Priests of Sparta. The Priests of Sparta were the most corrupted ones. They used to feed on many beautiful Spartan women and used to keep them as Oracle turn by turn. The priests were not in a mood to give any permission to King Leonidas to start a war against the Persians during their festival time. Basically, those priests got bribed by the Persians.

King Leonidas understood the trick of Theron, the politician. He took some best Spartan warriors and regarded them as his bodyguards. The plan was to create a Wall along the coastal region. A crooked Spartan also wanted to join the Spartan Army, but, King Leonidas declined his request. The bloody war started. Xerxes tried all his resources but failed to defeat those Spartan warriors. Queen of Sparta wanted to send some reinforcements to King Leonidas. But, Theron controlled the Council.

The Spartan Captain lost his son in the war. The Captain was totally depressed. Somehow, that situation also compelled the King to send some 100 Spartans back to the empire to send the messages of bravery and courage. Unless Theron gets controlled, the Council would never allow the Spartan troops to go and join King Leonidas at the war front. That’s why; the Queen allowed Theron to have sex with her on that night. Xerxes didn’t tell that crooked Spartan to stand up, but to kneel down. The crooked Spartan acted as a traitor.

Queen of Sparta did a blunder by believing on politician Theron. Theron declared openly that the Queen had sex with him. The Queen could not bear her insult in the Council and hence killed Theron. The Persian Gold coins in Theron’s wallet proved that Theron was a traitor. Xerxes came with a full force, but, still, King Leonidas and his warriors did not surrender. Rather, Xerxes also had to bleed. All the Greeks got united to fight against Persia. Greeks will always remember that the numbers of those brave Spartans were only “300”.

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