Sunday, July 21, 2013


Once upon a time in Bengal, a girl’s younger brother got killed by some anti-socials in Bongaon (An anti-social area of North 24 Parganas of West Bengal and it is at the border of Bangladesh). As per the rules of Bengal, the young boy committed a serious crime as he tried to save his elder sister from being getting gang-raped by some anti-socials. Rapists of Bengal always get full protection from Bengal Police Department, Kolkata Police Department and the Ruling Party. That’s why; not a single common person of Bengal ever dares to protest against the rapists. Even some kids in Bengal got killed for touching a Watermelon and plucking a guava from a neighbourhood tree in a locality respectively. Bengali society always has been a society of crabs and it will remain like that forever. That’s why; a Bengali never helps another Bengali in times of danger. Some Rajputs and other Kshatriyas from North-Western India migrated to Bengal in ancient India. Now, the offspring of those Rajputs and Kshatriyas have become Bengal Tigers, but, the original Bengalis whose ancestors were in Bengal from the very beginning remained as Bhetho Bangaali, i.e. Coward Bengalis who wear ladies’ bangles. After seeing so much anti-social activities, a government servant decided to protest against it. The name of that Bengali common man was Ananta Das. The name, ‘Ananta Das’ means ‘Lifetime Servant’, but, he decided to become a saviour of the common people of Bengal. 

Spinal Cords of Bengalis have broken and Ananta Das also felt the pain of a broken spinal cord.  Ananta’s sister was killed by some anti-socials in Bongaon by throwing acid bottles on her body. After that incident, father of Ananta Das stopped talking with neighbours out of hatred. During that incident, not a single person from the neighbourhood came to save that girl’s life. Oh! What a Brutal Bengal society it was indeed! Another political party came to power in Bengal, but, the Bengal society remained the same. Ananta Das intentionally gave a soiled 10 rupee note to a rickshaw-puller. Dulal, the union leader took 5000 bucks from Ananta and later denied about that. A tender got passed illegally by taking bribes from the agency. Some Union leaders of Bengal have done Ph.D in the subject of ‘Corruption and its Applications’. Dulal, the union leader complained against Ananta at the Police Station as Ananta acted as a whistleblower by telling everyone about the corruption. Every day, inside every local train compartment, some girls were sexually harassed. Some college students intentionally used to rub their hands on the body of Bengali girls. All the Bengali passengers of the local train used to enjoy the scenes when those girls were sexually harassed inside a crowded compartment of a local train. 

The ‘Rail Roko’ movement or halting of trains by several hooligans of any political party of Bengal was a common incident in Bengal. One day, the hooligans of a political party blocked the Rail Road. The Bongaon local train was standing on the Bongaon platform for around 40 minutes. One passenger boarded the train with his son and wife. Basically, he wanted to go to Sealdah for the treatment of his son’s fever, but, alas, the train was not moving. Out of frustration, that passenger protested against those hooligans. Ananta started beating up those party men to lift the blockade. See the fun! Common people of Bengal had to do these jobs as the cops of Bengal were just useless nuts to get a lump sum salary every month. What a tragedy! From that day onwards, Ananta’s spinal cord started to straighten up and he felt more comfort. He took back that soiled note from that rickshaw-puller and gave him 20 bucks. The Bihari rickshaw-puller was amazed to see an honest Bengali person in Bongaon area for the first time. The medicine shop owners of Bengal never used to give proper bills for selling medicines. When Ananta Das demanded the medicine bill from medical shop owner, the medicine shop owner started abusing Ananta. Ananta broke all the glasses of that medical shop. The medical shop owner complained about Ananta at the Bongaon Police Station. The Inspector of Bongaon Police Station sent a Constable at Ananta’s house to bring him up at the Police Station.

The Constable took 50 bucks from the Bihari rickshaw puller as a bribe. Ananta Das told the Inspector to tell the Constable to return that 50 bucks to the rickshaw puller. In Bengal, some cops were like vultures. They even used to take all the money from daily wage-earners like a rickshaw puller. Ananta Das requested the Inspector of Bongaon to file a case against Raju, the son of a businessman cum politician of Bengal. Raju killed Tina’s younger brother on that night. Ananta Das was the witness of it. Some Media Channels started the marketing campaign on Ananta Das to improve their TRP ratings. In Bengal, whistleblowers and common people have no social security at all. Reporters never bothered about the security of Ananta Das. Ananta started beating up 4 college students who were trying to sexually harass a college girl inside a compartment of a Bongaon local train. Based on the FIR lodged by those 4 college students and by some anti-socials against Ananta, the Kolkata Police issued an arrest warrant against Ananta. Ananta’s father felt very proud of his son, because Ananta, being a Bhetho Bengali, started roaring like a Bengal Tiger, which is beneficial for the Bengal society itself. No other Bengali came forward to help Ananta in the times of danger. But, that Bihari rickshaw-puller helped Ananta by providing him a safe hiding place inside a red-light area.

The Police Inspector and Raju’s father started doing mental harassment on Tina by asking her about how she was sexually abused by those culprits. They wanted to know actually in which sexual parts of Tina’s body, Raju and his friends started touching and pressing on that night. Tina felt very uncomfortable and helpless. Later on, the Inspector of Bongaon Police Station left Tina in front of those anti-socials, though, the girl managed to escape from there. Raju was getting VIP security and the man who protested against all corruption and anti-social works got termed as a criminal. Corruption was everywhere in Bengal from top to bottom. Raju came to enjoy a prostitute inside the red light area. Another prostitute poured alcohol on Raju’s body and somehow Raju got burnt. Kolkata Police intentionally filed a murder case against Ananta. The Police Commissioner ordered all cops to arrest Ananta near Dumdum Station. But, one cop was given the order to gun down Ananta Das at any cost. Mr. Das bought a pack of sweets and was returning home in Bongaon local train to celebrate his daughter’s birthday. This time, the news reporter didn’t allow the cameraman to take any video footage to give some respect to Ananta. Ananta Das was gunned down by Kolkata Police Department. Bengal society remained as a deaf and dumb tranny society because a protesting common man like Ananta Das would never ever board the “AATH TA AATH ER BONGAON LOCAL.”

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