Saturday, September 8, 2012


After continuing a so-called healthy love relationship for around three years or so, both James Lavenstein and Michelle Flaherty decided to go ahead about their marriage. Paul Finch always used to ask a question to Kevin that how some married persons of this world spend their entire life with their respective one wife only. Steven Stifle got the news about the preparation of his friend’s wedding. Stifle was too excited and overjoyed about Jim’s wedding ceremony. Both Jim and Stifle messed up with a cream cake. Unfortunately, everyone in that party thought that both these males were in a compromising position. The entire Flaherty family got angry on Jim. Jim found it very difficult to please all of them. 

Michelle wanted to wear a lovely dress for her wedding ceremony. The owner of the tailoring shop told them about Leslie Summers. From all the way to Michigan, they visited a gay bar of Chicago to find out Leslie Summers. So, obviously, Leslie Summers was not the name of a hot girl. Stifle and Bear had a dance competition inside that bar. Steven impressed everyone at the party. Leslie Summers promised to make a perfect wedding dress for Michelle. Bear also promised to bring some great hot girls in the Bachelor party. Both Finch and Stifle were very happy to see those two hot girls. Finch was about to get ready for a nice pleasurable session that Harold and Mary entered inside the house as they were invited by Jim on that evening to enjoy Turkey at dinner.

Mary liked Mr. Belvedere. In the next moment, both Mary and Harold were surprised to see those two hot chicks, though Harold enjoyed it. Stifle said that it was just a plan to test Jim. Both Jim and Stifle brainwashed Mrs. Mary Flaherty. Cadence came to Michigan to attend her elder sister’s marriage party after a break up with Mark. Finch fell in love with her at the first sight, but, very soon, Stifle became his great competitor. One day, while walking, both Stifle and Cadence kissed each other, though not so intensely. While feeding the dogs of Flaherty family, Stifle threw the special finger ring in front of two dogs. The dog gulped the ring. After a strict vigilance on the dogs, finally, Steven got back the ring again. Mary Flaherty was too fond of chocolates.

Steven chewed the unique chocolate. Paul was just about to vomit by watching that scene. Jim’s grandmother was also very excited about Jim’s marriage. Cadence gave the direct offer to Steven to enjoy with him. Stifle was so excited that he uttered about his ultimate desires regarding Cadence in front of Finch. Cadence heard it and became too angry. Who destroyed the lovely flowers which were prepared for Jim’s wedding party? All fingers got pointed towards Stifle. Stifle requested the flower designer to restart the process again. Everyone was happy on Stifle as he worked hard to re-design the flowers. Cadence calmed herself and now planned to enjoy with Stifle at the closet dark room beside the balcony at the upper floor. 

Michelle was very confused about her marriage vows. She was not so confused when she had her first periods also. Jim’s dad tried to make Michelle understand that in married life, you cannot enjoy vibrating performance continuously with your partner from sunrise to sunset. Too many romantic tremors on the sweet bed with your partner reduce the love quotient between the married couple. So, Michelle should focus more on compromise and sacrifice to make her married life a successful one in the long run. As per the instruction of Jim’s dad, they kept Jim’s grandmother in a very secure room so that she could not walk out here and there. Mary called Cadence before she could go near that closet dark room. 

Stifle smelled the wedding ring once and then handed it over to Jim. As per the Christian traditional rules of wedding, James Lavenstein and Michelle Flaherty became husband and wife respectively. Now, it was time to dance. Michelle was amazed to see the good dancing skills of James. Who taught dancing to Jim? Steven told Cadence that he taught dancing to Jim. Why Jim’s grandmother was so happy with Stifle? A surprising mature lady also attended the Jim’s wedding party. Why Steven’s mom always used to maintain a low profile? Paul, the playboy failed to enjoy the younger daughter of Mary but was lucky enough to enjoy that mature lady. Mrs. Stifle was really a super mom. All these entertaining activities happened in the English movie, “AMERICAN WEDDING.”

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