Thursday, September 6, 2012


To make the world a happy and peaceful place, they started fighting against crimes by wearing their respective masks. USA and USSR were too much focused on strengthening their nuclear powers to start a Third World War. A clock really got its own significance with respect to time, when Albert Einstein propounded the idea of Theory of Relativity. Adrian Veidt, the owner of Veidt Enterprise performed the tachyon therapy on John and sent that artificial tachyon to the Red planet. In the next phase, Veidt Enterprise got fresh investment from USA to develop a powerful nuclear reactor and a deadly creature to destroy USSR forces. Mr. Manhattan came into limelight.

The Comedian died on that night. Rorschach started the investigation and met with his old friend, Daniel.  John gave a chance to Miss Jupiter to meet his old pal. Edward Blake was born in 1918. Mr. Blake was too attracted towards Sally Jupiter. Mr. Nixon got elected as the new President of USA. Walter Kovacs had a very sensitive childhood and a cruel life inside the jails. Edgar William Jacobi alias Moloch, Janey Slater and Roy Chess worked for Pyramid Transnational. Hollis was a very controversial writer. Edward Blake had too many enemies due to his bad behavior and mischievous activities. Rorschach doubted on Moloch for the murder of that comedian.

Slowly and steadily, Laurie and Daniel were coming close to each other. Miss Jupiter went for a break up with John. In bad times, both Daniel and Laurie used to take a ride on Archie to rescue helpless people. Mr. Manhattan, the renowned nuclear physicist faced too much criticism from the media people as many workers of his nuclear factory started suffering from cancer. Wally Weaver died of cancer. Janey Slater, the ex-girlfriend of Dr. Manhattan also suffered from cancer. Roy Chess tried to murder Adrian but failed to do so. Rather, Mr. Chess died by chewing a capsule of Potassium Cyanide. Both USA and USSR decided to go for a nuclear war.

Detailed investigation revealed that one of their close men was the mastermind behind all conspiracies. Maybe, that’s why; Mr. Blake was crying in front of Edgar William Jacobi. Walter and Daniel started their journey towards Antarctica. In the meanwhile, the symbolic clock seemed as a clock without a craftsman for John. At least, the red planet, Mars was looking a far better place to live in than the blue planet, Earth for the tachyon as the human nature was always selfish and hungry for power at that point of time. To stop the third war, Mr. Veidt had to prove that a nuclear power is destructive for the human race devoid of caste, creed, religion and nationality.

Mr. Manhattan became the villain now, but, basically, he was made a scapegoat by Adrian. Daniel and Rorschach were not convinced that Adrian was abiding by the commitments of their American dream. Mr. Veidt brainwashed John and Mr. Kovacs chose to die. Being scared about the negative impacts of nuclear power, all the nations signed a peace treaty regarding the use of nuclear power. The media people were not getting any news to publish as all the nations of the world were living peacefully. Adrian won the game like an Egyptian Pharoah or like the Alexander or like an Ozymandias (King of Kings). John always believed that nothing was going to end forever. The illegal daughter of the comedian and Daniel started living happily. As per Rorschach’s journal, it was all about “WATCHMEN”.

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