Sunday, September 16, 2012


Sir Francis Haddock escaped from the ship to let the Red Rackham Sakharine die. The reporter was not made of Tin but his name comprised of the word, ‘Tin’ pronounced twice successively. Snowy spotted the pickpocket. The teen was not in a mood to sell that model. Mr. Sakharine was having strict vigilance on that model. There was another model on the Marlinspike Hall. In the scroll, it was written that 3 brothers joined and 3 unicorns in the ship. Only a true Haddock can find its secret.

What happened near Barbados long time back? Mr. Bernaby Dewas was gunned down. Mrs. Finch requested the reporter to call for an ambulance. The Thomson and the Thompson started the investigation regarding the murder of the Interpol Officer. After reading the newspaper, everyone became alert about the pickpocket. What was there in the wallet of Snowy’s master? Inside the prison of Karaboudjan, Tom and Allan failed to get the scroll from the prisoner. 

Snowy came to the rescue act! The drunkard Captain got some new guest inside the ship. After lots of actions, three of them escaped in a life boat. Mr. Sakharine got the clue that his rivals got the information about Ben Salaad and the Port of Bagghar. The Thomson and the Thompson found out that Mr. Silk was a kleptomaniac. The captain felt thirsty and cold after rowing the life boat for a long time. To get some energy, he drank alcohols. As a net result, there was a fire on the life boat. 

An aircraft came to kill them, but they utilized it well to get out of danger. The aircraft went out of fuel and they landed on the Sahara desert.The Captain saw the mirage and also drank some alcohols. Long time back, the triple masted, double decked, 50 guns loaded ship started their voyage with rums and tobaccos. That ship also had a secret cargo. The ship of Red Pennants attacked the Unicorn. The deadly sea-war was on. There were three scrolls altogether. 

Each scroll had a poem in Old English. To get the exact latitudinal and longitudinal location of a precious zone, you need three scrolls together. Welcome to the Port of Bagghar. The Thomson and the Thompson followed them in disguise at Bagghar. The 3rd model was kept inside a bulletproof glass. Who snatched the scroll from the Captain? Musical voice of Milanese Nightingale broke the bulletproof glass. 

The falcon snatched the mast of that model. The chase began. Everyone was chasing that falcon which had the scroll at its beak. Were the Thomson and the Thompson able to arrest Mr. Sakharine? Was Captain Haddock able to regain back the glory and property of his Haddock family in the Steven Spielberg’s spellbound 3D revolutionary Hollywood English Movie, “THE ADVENTURES OF TINTIN : THE SECRET OF THE UNICORN”.

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