Sunday, September 2, 2012


It was not so a breaking news when the suspected drug dealer of New Orleans, Lousiana got gunned down. Dean and Harry were business partners of a company. As per Dean; Harry was ruining the business. Everyone did not die in the Dean’s team. Some of the encounters were fake encounters. Dean gave a good monetary offer to a professional killer to remove his business partner from this world. Harry Mckenna got murdered. Now, it really became a breaking news. The sentence, ‘Amat Victoria Curam’ means ‘Victoria leaves Preparation.’

After the murder of his father, he was totally depressed. Arthur consoled Steve and told him to join his business. Unlike Bishop, the junior Mckenna always used to kill a person with a hot head. The next assignment was to murder Andrew Vaughin. Slowly and steadily, Arthur came to know about some secret information of Dean. Was Dean forgiven or got murdered? Who had the last laugh in the deadly cold war between Arthur Bishop and Steve Mckenna in the English film, “THE MECHANIC”?

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