Saturday, September 15, 2012


Gandalf fought against Balrog and emerged as a winner though after a long time. Gollum tried to steal the ring of Mr. Frodo but Sam intervened in it. Gollum became the servant of Sam, though; there was fake faithfulness in it. The Sméagol promised Mr. Frodo and Sam that he would take them to the Black Gate of Mordor. Long time back, Sauron and his puppet soul, Sarumon conquered Rohan, the Home of the Horse Lords. Theoden, the King of Rohan was in a hypnotized mode to believe in the friendship of Sarumon. Sam followed the light of dead marshes, but, luckily, Gollum saved him at the right time. 

Welcome to the Fangorn forest, the den of Ents or Treebeards. Ents always used to act as shepherds of the forest. The Ent regarded them as Orcs, though they were Hobbits. Merry and Pippin were also on their mission. Legolas, Aragorn and Gimli came to Rohan to find a new friend who gifted two beautiful horses to Aragorn and Legolas. They followed the traces and entered into Fangorn forest to get an introduction of the White Wizard. The White Wizard entered inside the palace of the son of Thengel to release the Sauron’s evil soul from King Theoden’s body. It was too late for King Theoden as his son, Theodred already died.

Eowyn was impressed on Aragorn. But, Aragorn had his own romantic past. Few years back, Aragorn fell in love with Arwen. Their love story did not come to a sweet conclusion but that locket remained as a precious memoir. The Wargs were too dangerous to handle. In that battle, Aragorn fell down from the cliff. After hearing that news, Eowyn’s eyes moistened. Theoden decided to transfer all the people of his Kingdom to the Helm’s Deep, the safest tower. Gollum was suffering from a dual personality syndrome. It was a fight between good and evil souls inside the same body. 

The war started. Sauron’s battalion planned to break the walls of the Tower. True lover was still alive and Arwen saw it in her dreams. Brego, the faithful horse took Aragorn to the right place at the right time. Haldir supported King Theoden’s battalion as an ally. Merry and Pippin failed to convince the Ents to go and fight against Sauron. Mr. Frodo requested Sam to utilize the ring. Faramir, the brother of Boromir of Gondor tried to snatch that ring. In the war-zone, Haldir died. Where was the White Wizard who used to ride on Shadowfax, the white horse? What was the real secret behind that powerful ring?  Finally, who won the battle in the English movie, “LORD OF THE RINGS: THE TWO TOWERS”?

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