Saturday, September 15, 2012


Many many happy returns of the day, Marty; as your age is 10 years now. Happy Birthday to you, Marty! Oh! Come on! Every day is a very boring day inside this Central Zoo of New York. Marty made a wish to go to the wild on his birthday night. Who inspired Marty about it? Maybe, those naughty penguins! Have you heard of Connecticut? Oh! There is an emergency situation at the Central Metro Station. Beware of that old woman! My goodness! Alex became scared of that old woman. Gloria, Melman and Alex are very happy to see their friend. Marty had the plan to come back to the zoo in the morning, but, alas, his friends have made the situation worse. The cops are still tolerating the circus of Alex. Now, the cop fired two small tranquilizer arrows at Alex. 

Wake up, Alex! Ehe! You are inside a wooden box which is going to be delivered at a Kenyan forest or zoo. Well; all your dear friends are also inside the wooden boxes. Never under-estimate the penguins because they have already proved a few while ago that they can also become the captains of a ship. Steer it slowly, dear. The ship is making a sharp turn. All the packed boxes are now on the sea water. Sea waves are too big to roll the packed boxes upside down. Alex is on the sea beach now and he is looking for his friends. Wow! Marty, Melman and Gloria have just arrived. Is it the San Diego Zoo? Well, they have started exploring the forest now. Beware of wild spiders in this forest! Oh! Yeah! There is a puffy party going on. Oh! No! The foosas have attacked them.

Alex is now showing his bravery. Bravo! Bravo! Alex! King Julien is too impressed with Alex, Marty, Gloria and Melman, but Maurice still has some doubts. As per King Julien, they are not aliens but pansies. The King is having a secret plan to utilize Alex against the foosas. Sometimes the hunger in your stomach transforms you into a monster. Alex is very hungry now.  Maybe, that’s why; he is seeing red colored steaks everywhere. Even Marty is shocked to see such a change in Alex. Maurice has proved it to King Julien that Alex is more dangerous than the foosas. Marty, Melman and Gloria have decided to go back. They are calling that ship. The penguins went to Antarctica but felt fed up. That’s why; these penguins have sailed their ship here.

Marty wants to give the good news to Alex that they are going back to the civilized world again. Alex is still unable to come out of that syndrome of seeing steaks everywhere. Alex was rightly distracted by Maurice, otherwise, Alex could have killed Marty. Foosas have attacked again and this time their target is Marty. Fantastic! The penguins have really created a smart trap for the foosas, but, those foosas are so many in numbers. Finally, Alex is in the rescue act. It is show time, boss! The foosas started running here and there to save themselves. King Julien is very happy and dancing with joy. After all, his plan has worked. Penguins are also good in hotel management. Alex liked the dishes on sea fishes. Actually, it is better than steaks also.

King Julien is now giving his crown to Alex. Alex is thinking that he is becoming the King of this wild civilization. No buddy! Actually, King Julien has made a bigger crown for himself, that’s why; he is giving you his small crown to you. They organized a lovely feast at night. Out of the city life, when you go far away in the jungles, you feel yourself too lucky to watch those beautiful stars in the dark blue sky.  Feeling bored? Oh! Yeah! Now, we should plan to have a world tour on this ship. What about a tour in France or Spain! No, no, Canada is not bad either. Why not have a gala time at Fiji islands! Alex, Marty, Melman and Gloria planned about so many things and boarded that ship. All were bidding them Tata! Bye! Bye!  But, the penguins knew it beforehand that there is no gas on that ship. So, the penguins are enjoying those April-Fools who boarded that Ship. Oh! Come on! After all, who the hell wants to leave such a beautiful wild civilization of “MADAGASCAR”!

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