Wednesday, September 26, 2012


What was so special about that video clip? Don’t you think that the game of Rugby is also a modern style of wrestling? Charlie always had a dream to become a good tennis player. Jake got a new friend, Max in his school. The beautiful lady invited Mr. Tyler to a party. Ryan was jealous on Jake and probably the video clip created too much hype. Mr. McCarthy knocked down Jake on that night. Max took him home. Jake requested Charlie to keep this incident as a secret to their mom.

After a few days, Mr. Cooperman gave a CD of Jean to Mr. Tyler. Jake joined the gym of Mr. Roqua to learn the latest style of wrestling and kick-boxing. The news spread to all the nook and corners of the town that Mr. Tyler is getting ready for the Beatdown. The outcome of Ryan’s jealousy was too intense on Max. Jake wanted to take the revenge but Jean calmed him down. Seven years back, Mr. Roqua failed to save the life of his brother.

Non violence and the policy of waiting and watching for something good to happen for you do not really work out all the time. If you get attacked, go for the counter-attack straightaway as some wise men always used to say that the offence is the best defense. The wrestling cum kick-boxing competition of Beatdown started. Mr. Tyler also participated in it and so was Ryan.

During any encounter, you need to figure out the strengths of your opponents and then apply the defense strategy according to those strong points of your opponents. Once your opponents are exhausted and frustrated after using all their strong weapons, just counter-attack them. On the other hand, targeting the weak points of your opponents may not nullify their strong points and your opponents can come back anytime to defeat you.

The wrestling match between Camia and Mintz was not so bad. Dak-Ho got counter-attacked by Jake. In the 1st semi-final, Mr. McCarthy got disqualified from the wrestling tournament for his illegal moves towards his opponent. After hearing the news, Mr. Tyler gave a walk-over to Tommy Kline. No one was watching the final encounter between Tommy and Villa. Why everyone went outside the bar?

All the head-lights of the cars parked outside the bar was put on. Ryan and Jake were having a great encounter. Mr. Tyler had something to prove this time. In wrestling, sometimes a champion wrestler has to wait for the right move to completely knock down his opponent. Jake tackled Mr. McCarthy’s tapping very well and went for a reversal attack on him. Jean decided to go back home after seven years as his disciple has shown him by leading an example that a real warrior should “NEVER BACK DOWN”.

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