Saturday, September 1, 2012


Are you getting attracted to a vampire? Oh! Beware of him! Forget it man! True love defies all boundaries. Edward introduced all his family members to her. The family members of that vampire tried to eat that beautiful lady. Every time it happens! Whenever Mr. Sullen comes to his house with a new girlfriend, his family members start eating her. Feeling humiliated, he decided to stay far away from Jennifer. 
The poor lady started weeping as his beloved person went for a break-up with her. Jacob loved her but she was not at all interested in him. Oops! The young lady was riding the bike in such a fashion that Edward had no other option than to interfere in it. After all; how can a true lover completely ignore his beloved girlfriend? Everyone was preparing for the St. Salvatore Day festival in Sporks High School. 
Becca got her first sweet dating and was very happy. The girl requested her boyfriend to transform her into a vampire, but, Mr. Sullen was not in a mood to do that. Zolturi, a species of bloodsuckers entered the party of St. Salvatore Day festival. Who got the best couple award in that party? What happened to the Vampire and his human girlfriend? If you want to enjoy a comedy version of ‘Twilight Saga’, then you just need to watch the English movie, “VAMPIRES SUCK”.

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