Sunday, September 23, 2012


Holding a gun on your hand is always risky as you may end up in committing a crime in your unconscious mind which is unintentional in nature but in the eyes of law, it is a heinous crime to murder someone in any circumstances. Uncle Ben was too unlucky on that night. Flint went to prison after committing that crime. Mr. Marko was too concerned about his sweet Penny. Did you like the show, ‘Manhattan Memories’? The critics are always there to criticize and sometimes too much criticism from the media channels and newspapers may get you fired from your job. MJ was too upset and took up a job in a bar cum restaurant.

The son of the late scientist created so many scientific gadgets to kill his enemy. The battle was on. Harry got admitted in a hospital and his best friends came to visit him. The artificial tornado of sands and dust transformed the criminal into a Dusty Demon. The Superhero saved the life of Miss Stacy. Edward clicked that photo and got good appreciation from Mr. Jameson. Mr. Jameson liked to see a healthy competition between Mr. Parker and Brock for the post of a staff job in his company. Gwen gave the key of the city to the Superhero. Peter had a deep kiss with that hot lady in front of the New York public. Miss Watson felt dejected about it.

A woman who was once popular started losing her fame and the man who was just an ordinary person started gaining lots of reputation. Somewhere in her mind, these little things became little thorns to prickle her all the time. The lonely soul called up Mr. Osborn and visited his house. The woman’s mind slipped and she went for a deep kiss with Harry. To make Peter jealous about this incident, the scientist’s son added some spice to the little incident. Symbiotic animals are deadlier than natural parasitic animals. Symbiotic reactions in your body aggravate the internal desires of your brain and heart and hence your body cells become too much active on it.

The Sandman was becoming a real terror for the citizens of New York. Aunt May was too concerned about her nephew. The landlord of Peter also felt that he was in some kind of a trouble. Mr. Brock got a photo of the Black Superhero. Mr. Parker proved that the photo of the Black Superhero was just the outcome of some kind of multimedia applications on the real photo. Eddie got fired. Inside the bar, Mr. Parker tried to make Miss Watson jealous. Miss Stacy understood it and said sorry to Mary. Jane had a doubt whether he was the same Peter she knew about. Mr. Brock went to the church to talk with the dumb Jesus Christ. 

While standing on the top of the church, the victim tried to get rid of that symbiotic animal. He succeeded but the symbiotic animal got another human body as victim. The Black Beast became an ally of the Dusty Demon to get rid of that Superhero. Mr. Parker requested Mr. Osborn to help him. The caretaker of the late scientist confirmed that the scientist died due to his own faults only. Jane was taken as a hostage and all the media channels of New York were showing its live coverage. The Superhero got a helping hand. Did Brock survive? Was Mr. Marko forgiven? Did Mary get back her lover? To know these answers, you need to watch, “SPIDERMAN 3”.

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