Tuesday, September 11, 2012


The lady received those children at the station to take them to the house. Mrs. Macready requested them to behave like good children, otherwise, the Professor may feel disturbed. Feeling bored, Lucy requested everyone to play the game of hide and seek.  While playing the game of hide and seek, Lucy entered into that wardrobe to reach a lovely wood. After a few moments, that forest became a snowy wood. Lucy made friendship with a faun whose name was Mr. Tumnus. Mr. Tumnus had some other plans. But, Mr. Tumnus gave priority to his friendship by becoming a traitor for the White Witch.

No one believed Lucy when she told about that snowy wood, but, Edmund had some curiosity about it. On that night, Edmund followed Lucy to enter into that snowy wood. The Queen of Narnia took out all information from Edmund by giving him a treat of Turkish delight. The Queen of Narnia went away from the spot after telling about her residential address to Edmund. Again Lucy told about the snowy woods to Peter and Susan by keeping Edmund as a witness, but Edmund told a lie. Lucy started weeping. The Professor requested Mrs. Macready to give some chocolates to that little girl. The professor told Peter and Susan to assume that Lucy told the truth.

On the next day, the four kids entered the forest and started playing with snowy balls. Beavers welcomed them. The Beavers knew everything about the prophecy. As per the prophecy, two sons of Adam and two daughters of Eve will kill the White Witch. Aslan, the real King of Narnia was planning to come back to wipe out the white witch from Narnia. Edmund went to meet the Queen of Narnia and became a prisoner. The wolves started searching for the other kids. One wolf supported the Beavers. In the meanwhile, Mr. Tumnus got killed. Whenever the White Witch killed a creature, it got transformed into a statue.

There were no Christmas celebrations in Narnia for 100 years or so. The Professor entered into the woods with a snowy reindeer cart. As a Christmas gift, Lucy got a small bottle which contained the juices of fire flower. One drop of juice of fire flower was more than enough to heal any injury in human body. Susan got the bows and Peter got a nice sword. Battles are ugly affairs. That’s why; the Professor told Peter to use the sword as a tool, not as a toy. The wolves chased them down, but, it was too near, yet so far. After a lovely ride on the ice block on that deadly river, luckily, they were all alive.  Beavers and the kids headed towards the territory of Aslan.

Aslan was delighted to see the two daughters of Eve and one son of Adam. Aslan promised that he and his army would rescue Edmund at any cost. One wolf attacked the kids. Aslan ordered Oreius and other warriors to follow that wolf.  Edmund got rescued. After some dramas, the Queen of Narnia came to claim the life of Edmund as he acted as a traitor. After some negotiations, Aslan agreed to sacrifice himself on the Stone Table. But, as per the rules of Deep Magic, one cannot kill a creature whose soul and blood was too pure to act as a traitor to anyone. The trees gave the sad news that Aslan died. The war started.

Peter led the war from the front but with sheer intelligence. Even the big Eagles and Hawks were utilized very smartly to outsmart a big battalion of opponents. The White Witch targeted Edmund. Oreius proved his faithfulness towards Aslan as a great warrior but it was not enough to defeat the White Witch. Lucy and Susan were having a speedy ride while sitting on top of Aslan. Edmund was already injured. Peter was struggling to tackle the White Witch. Aslan came in to hunt down the Queen of Narnia. Susan used her bows well. The juice of fire flower healed all the injuries on Edmund’s body. Mr. Tumnus was alive again due to Aslan’s magical powers.

The war was over. There was no more existence of any evil forces in Narnia. Now, it was time to head towards Cair Paravel, the Castle of Four Thrones. The two sons of Adam and the two daughters of Eve were crowned and given respective territories to rule upon. Once you become a King or Queen of Narnia, you will always remain as a King or Queen. The King of the Jungle was roaming on the sea beach alone. Lucy stared at Aslan from the balcony of the palace and started weeping. Mr. Tumnus assured that Aslan will come back again. After growing up as adults, they came back to Professor’s room to conclude “THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA”.

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