Thursday, April 5, 2012

1408 !!!

Everyone has to die, daddy. Don’t worry; you will get so many friends out there. Is God there? Mr. Olin, the Hotel Manager welcomed him. The writer of the supernatural world, who has the experience of breaking down the spirits entered inside. 

Everything seemed to be perfect and peaceful out there. His tape-recorder is his best electronic gadget. Wherever he goes to solve a case, he takes it with him to make a record of everything minutely. The two paintings have some meaning.

He looked out of the window. It was just a normal lane besides that building. Suddenly, he heard a song, ‘We have just started living…’ The timer has been set in the tape recorder. Everyone dies here within 60 minutes. He pulled out the plug of the tape recorder, but, still, the timer was on.

Again, he looked out of the window as a deaf person. Oh! The glass came down on his right palm. Bloods came out. He opened the tap. Oh! No! It was hot water. There was something wrong with the temperature of the Thermostat. The person who came to check the Thermostat did not came inside.

Mike wanted to check out, but, the door got locked.  The key was of no use anymore. He saw his carbon copy image at the room of the opposite building from his window. He found a Bible book full of blank white pages. The moment he opened the refrigerator to take some drinks, the leader of spirits warned him.

After the death of Katie, the sweet romantic relationship between Michael and Lily became a nightmare for both of them. He powered on the laptop and had an online chat with Lily. Suddenly, the showers of water forced him to shut down his laptop. Mike’s dad told him that ‘Where I am today, you will be.’

The factory owner of Chicago committed suicide. The Waitress of a bar in Los Angeles also committed suicide by jumping out from that same window. He saw his family members in the Television Set. He found a small tunnel upward. He tried to come out from there, but, of no use. 

The Hallucination was at its peak now. He opened his eyes to find himself in the Los Angeles hospital. Lily was sitting in front of her. He wrote everything about the case and went to the courier office to send it to New York. Oh! God! I thought I was out of here. Katie died in his lap for the second time to become ashes.

The telephone rang. Mike got the permission to check out of there. But, being a selfish man, he was not in a mood to check out from there in that fashion. The Hallucination confused him constantly to decide upon which one is real and which one is not.

This time, the real fire broke out there, though it was totally intentional and was need of the hour. The rescue team came in. The leader of the spirits appreciated the talents of Mike. Inside the Dolphin Hotel of the New York City, something started melting. The tape-recorder made Lily believe that Katie came to see him in “1408”.

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