Friday, April 6, 2012

D.E.B.S !!!

Wake up! We have got a call from Mr. Phipps for the next assignment. Hey, Dominique, we know that you are addicted to physical pleasures but no strangers are allowed upstairs. The Para-Military Forces have formed an Academy of lady spies, with three traits; Discipline, Energy and Beautiful (D.E.B), where the high scorers of SAT (Spy Aptitude Test) get selected to study on the subject of spying in a University.

Amy broke up with Bobby. Janet and Max were surprised to hear that. The jewel robber went on a blind date with the Russian assassin. It was wastage of time for Diamond. Both of them collided. She told about her thesis. Both were impressed with each other. She was the first one to live after meeting that notorious robber to tell a tale to the media.

They kept on meeting each other, but, nothing was turning out be so fruitful. Max became jealous when Amy got promoted. Scud got some interest in Janet. The Head Mistress of the Academy gave Amy an important task. Diamond kidnapped the spy. For one week, they enjoyed with each other from top to bottom. Both felt comfortable and found their own real identity from within. 

Dominique, Max and Janet were searching for their friend like anything. The Russian assassin informed about something to Bobby. Amy was back. Max gave the diplomatic idea to the Head Mistress of the Academy, so, that, no one loses anything. Max prepared the speech of Amy. Being frustrated and depressed, the Diamond decided to execute Plan A. All the money looted from the bank accounts started coming back.

On the night of End-Game celebration, Amy was reading out her speech from that paper. Bobby was chasing the culprit.  The bird of the cage saw the free bird and tried to fly out of the cage. Again, they collided with each other, but, this time, Max made a deal with Lucy. The Love-Birds started their happy journey towards Barcelona. Max gave her stripes to Janet. Scud requested Janet to become his life-partner. Two spies exited from “D.E.B.S.”

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