Saturday, April 14, 2012


Can you kill the Fuhrer? Well, let us try that. Just keep the bomb inside that bottle and give it to them. We are waiting for the news. The phone is ringing. What are they saying now? They are saying that the plane has landed safely, without any blast. Oh, listen to me, there is some problem with that packet. That needs to be changed. In the war front, there is a colonel Von Stauffenberg, who got injured and lost his left eye. But, he has not lost his courage and spirit. But, why are a section of German military men angry? Adolf Hitler has declared a war on Russia, but due to this campaign, German economy is affected. Not only has that, taxes have been levied on the Germ an citizens and armies. So, they formed a special secret resistance force known as Kreisau Circle.

In German mythology, there is an angel who has wings, and it is believed by the Germans, that to save the fallen warriors, this angel, whose name is “Valkyrie”, comes to save all the warriors. But, for Adolf Hitler, the Fuhrer, it was something different. “Valkyrie” was a special contingency plan to safeguard the Berlin administration, when the Fuhrer dies. Kill Hitler, for him, our German economy is suffering. But, who can do that? Well, my dear friends, there is surely one man, the Colonel Stauffenberg, who can do this. 

Ok, I, the Colonel Stauffenberg agrees to it. But, before that, we need a signature from Adolf Hitler, that, there will be the implementation of “Valkyrie”, once the ruler of Germany dies. Hmm…Hitler signs the document. Well, Colonel Stauffenberg, only the signature of Hitler, does not solve the problems. You have to kill him, but how? Here is the plan, gentleman. Look at this, these are the bombs, with a fusing circuit. You have to break this seal, to activate it. Keep this bomb inside this bag, and let it blast. 

Can you please explain the plan in details? Surely, Sir, why not? There will be a briefing session of the German military intelligence, where top notch army generals along with the Fuhrer will be present at the Wolf’s Lair. Colonel Stauffenberg, you have been intentionally promoted to a special rank, so that you can also attend that briefing session. Now, you know your job. Have the bombs in the bag, and just keep it at the conference room. We will call you at the office telephone. You will come out of the room, to attend that phone call, and then tell the m, that it’s an emergency, you have to go. The blast will happen, and within that time, you will be out of the Wolf’s Lair. 

Fantastic, but I need some men installed in the wolf’s Lair to help me out. Don’t worry, Colonel Stauffenberg, there are men who will give you the signal, by throwing the cigarette down, that he is with you. At 12.15 PM, the car entered the Wolf’s Lair. At 12.45 PM, the briefing session started. The first attempt went in vain. On the 2nd day, the car entered and reached the spot at 12.45 PM, but the conference room was changed. 

Hmm…hey Colonel Stauffenberg, why the hell are you taking so much time to change your clothes, inside that room. Well, the plan went out well. The blast happened. All the communication lines were closed, but colonel Stauffenberg still managed to escape the Wolf’s Lair, by fooling a Security Check Post Army Man, and why not, after all he is a colonel. There is a Standby order for the German armies. 

What happened to you General? Why are you not applying “Valkyrie” now? Fuhrer is dead; Colonel Stauffenberg has seen the blast. Hitler is dead. Here is the message for the army men of Berlin. “Valkyrie” has been implemented. Colonel Stauffenberg, where are your beloved wife and children? Are they safe? Yes, indeed, confirmed the telephone operator. 

Hitler is still alive. Yes, my dear friends, there has been another attempt on the Fuhrer, the Adolf Hitler. Here is your arrest warrant, Colonel Stauffenberg. No one will be spared; after all you are dealing with the cruel ruler, the Adolf Hitler. 

Stand there, 10 military men will shoot you simultaneously, that is known as execution under the rule of Hitler. Everyone has been executed, who formed the Kreisau circle. This was probably the last attempt of all the 15 attempts made to kill Hitler. Later, after some years, Hitler committed suicide. Oh! You Germans, can you see the “Valkyrie” now, as your Fuhrer has committed suicide.

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