Saturday, April 7, 2012


It was the year of 1936. The professor of archeology went to a forest of South America to find something. With the help of Hovits tribe, Belloq got the possession of that important object. Long time back, in the ancient history, one of the Pharaohs of Egypt attacked Jerusalem and got the Ark. The Ark was kept in Tanis, the city near Cairo, which got buried due to a severe sandstorm. Hitler, the Fuhrer of Germany had some interest on occult. That’s why; he ordered all the men of the Nazis to go and collect whatever important historical powerful objects they get from all around the world.

Mr. Ravenwood had settled somewhere in Asia. As per the Bible mythology, the battalion which carried the Ark was invincible because within that Ark there lays the power of God. The Ark acts as a transmitter or a radio for the human beings to hear the voice of God, provided you will not dare to see the smoky holy warriors of God. For 3000 years, archeologists all over the world have been searching for this Lost Ark. Marcus wished best of luck to Dr. Jones. They landed in Nepal. Marion always used to win the alcohol drinking competition. Her father’s bronze medallion was with her only. She was happy to see her man again after a long 10 years gap.

The fight was on to get that medallion, but, they failed to take it from her. Marion was not in a mood to lose her man again. So, she decided to become his partner in this mission. Welcome to Cairo. Sallah, an excavation specialist welcomed them. Both of them were attacked inside the market of Cairo. The blast happened inside the truck. Was Marion alive? They took the bronze medallion to an Egyptian scholar. The scholar confirmed that the Hitler’s men were digging at the wrong location. The monkey died. Therefore, they didn’t eat those dates. Those were bad dates. They freed that woman. Belloq got impressed with her and fell in love with her.

Next morning, they started the excavation. After spending around 12 hours on that location, during the evening, they got the lid. When they opened the lid, they saw too many snakes on the floor. The smoke of fire helped them to keep the snakes away from them. Sallah and Indiana got that lost Ark. But, Belloq saw it. They threw the girl below to him. Belloq was unhappy, but, couldn’t do anything about it. They came out of that cave. The fight was on. The Ark was on its way to Cairo. Then, they decided to take it towards England in a ship. Inside the ship, she became his nurse to heal all his wounds both mentally and physically.

In the next morning, the Hitler’s men seized the ship and carried the ark towards a desolate island to find out the hidden treasures within that Lost Ark. Marion’s beloved Indy wanted to blow it up with a rocket launcher, but, Belloq brain-washed him with the lectures on history and archeology. When they opened the Ark, they found holy sands only. But, in the next moment, Dr. Jones told his girlfriend to shut her eyes. Something happened after that. They don’t know, what is an ark and with what type of an ark they are dealing with.  Therefore, the daughter of the late archeologist and Indiana were the successful “RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK.”

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