Thursday, April 19, 2012


In 1943, in a remote village of Tibet, the master and his disciple started fighting on a hanging bridge. The master got impressed after seeing the skills of his disciple. Now, it was time for the disciple to read the scroll of that monastery to protect it for 60 years. A British General was also after that scroll. The master died after getting shot by a bullet, as he already transferred his power to his disciple. Was the disciple still alive after getting shot by a bullet?

In 2003, a person made news headlines by saving several people in that city. Another person made news headlines in that city for his act of robbery. Policemen were after both of them. The little girl got rescued from the rail track. The young lady was impressed to see an intelligent idiot defeating a group of hooligans single-handedly. Every day, he was not shaving his head. It proved that he was a Buddhist Monk of Tibet, not the Monk of Shaolin Temple.

As per the Buddhism mythology, everyone dies to take a re-birth and dies again to take a re-birth again and the cycle continues. In case of re-birth, some talented monks of Buddhism also take re-birth, though in different nations as different persons. The monk found 2 prophecies in that city and both of them were ideal to protect that scroll for next 60 years. But, both of them required some training of Indian martial arts.  The monk made friendship with Karl. 

What do you mean by enlightenment? It is not about knowing your enemies or their strengths; it is about knowing yourself and your strengths. It is not about anger, but peace. It is not about power, but grace. Believe in yourself. If you believe that gravitational force cannot affect you, if you master the art of running in great speed in the air for some moments, then you can surely swim in the air. Karl got the self-belief and utilized it to enter Jade’s house. A Tiger and a Tigress never falls in love without fighting and crouching with each other.

The old man kidnapped all the monks of that city and started scanning their body, but was of no use. Later, his grand-daughter got hold of the real powerful monk. Scanning was complete; the old man read the mantras written on the scroll to become a young man. As per the Buddhism mythology, whoever protects that scroll, the scroll protects that person to heal all the wounds and keep that person young forever. But, the game was not over yet. The last verse of the mantras of the scroll was missing in his body. He memorized it to keep it safe.

Jade told Karl to take all the valuable weapons from the cupboard. The four-wheeler came in.  Ehe! It was a big bomb. The fight was on. Jade took special care of that old man’s grand-daughter. The monk was impressed by seeing the skills of Karl to save himself from falling down. Some people never changes psychologically even after 60 years. So, the monk released him from the top of the building. The monk told the 1st stanza of the last verse to Karl and the last stanza of the last verse to Jade. I thought you were not the only “BULLETPROOF MONK”!

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